

This article is about the Chiss light cruiser. You may be looking for the creature.

«I talked to the patrol cruisers Parala and Bokrea and the light cruisers Whisperbird and Stingfly.»
―Admiral Ar'alani[1]

The Stingfly was a Chiss light cruiser in service to the Chiss Ascendancy's Expansionary Defense Fleet. The vessel was equipped with a hyperdrive, engines, and various weapons for combat. In 19 BBY, it served as part of Admiral Ar'alani's Picket Force Six and assisted in defeating General Yiv of the Nikardun Destiny nation at the Unknown Regions Vak Combine nation planet of Primea. A year afterward, the light cruiser also fought as a part of Senior Captain Thrawn's fleet over the planet "Sunrise" against the forces of the Grysk operative "Jixtus" at the senior captain's last stand.


The Stingfly was a Chiss light cruiser equipped with engines and a hyperdrive,[2] and its hull was made from nyix-alloy.[1] The light cruiser was also equipped with electrostatic barriers, which shielded its hull, and armed with spectrum lasers, plasma spheres, and breachers.[2]


«Grayshrike, Whisperbird, Stingfly: Take the one to starboard.»
―Admiral Ar'alani commands the Stingfly against the Nikardun[2]

The Stingfly served in Picket Force Six, which was commanded by Admiral Ar'alani (pictured).

The Chiss light cruiser Stingfly served in Admiral Ar'alani's Picket Force Six in the Chiss Ascendancy nation's Expansionary Defense Fleet. The warship shared its name with the stingfly, a creature known to the Chiss species.[2] In 19 BBY,[3] General Yiv of the Unknown Regions Nikardun Destiny nation conquered several nations encircling the Ascendancy in hopes of eventually conquering the Ascendancy itself. As part of Picket Force Six, the Stingfly fought at the battle over Primea, where Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo, core name "Thrawn," had laid a trap for Yiv at the Vak Combine nation planet of Primea in the Unknown Regions. During the battle, Ar'alani ordered the light cruiser to assist the Chiss heavy cruiser Grayshrike and the light cruiser Whisperbird in attacking one of the Nikardun Battle Dreadnoughts that had arrived, with the Chiss forces eventually emerging victorious against the Nikardun Destiny.[2]

In 18 BBY,[4] with Ar'alani's invitation, the Stingfly fought with a Chiss fleet commanded by Thrawn against a fleet of Grysk warships commanded by the Grysk operative "Jixtus" at Senior Captain Thrawn's last stand over the Unknown Regions planet nicknamed "Sunrise." The Stingfly assisted Ar'alani's command ship, the Nightdragon man-of-war Vigilant, in attacking Jixtus' flagship, the Grysk Shatter-class WarMaster FateSpinner.[1]

While the Vigilant and FateSpinner traded laser salvos, the Chiss flanked the WarMaster with an asteroid missile platform. The Grysk made short work of the platform, revealing the Stingfly's breacher missiles that had been traveling in the asteroid's visual shadow. The breachers impacted the FateSpinner, damaging the vessel's hull and thrusters. The Stingfly then fired laser salvos at the WarMaster's damaged areas, dealing considerable damage to the Grysk warship. Ultimately, the Chiss destroyed Jixtus's fleet after receiving aid from several Unknown Regions nations, including the Garwian Unity, the Kilji Illumine, the Paccian Governance, and the Vak Combine.[1]

Commanders and crew[]

The Stingfly was commanded by a Chiss commander during the battle against the Grysk ships.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The Stingfly first appeared in Timothy Zahn's 2020 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, the first installment in Star Wars: The Ascendancy Trilogy.[2]


Notes and references[]

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