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"Retcon is retroactive continuity—the science of making stuff fit and getting better stories out of it."
Karen Traviss[1]

Retroactive continuity—commonly contracted to the portmanteau word retcon—refers to deliberately changing previously established facts in a work of serial fiction. The change itself is referred to as a retcon, and the act of writing and publishing a retcon is called "retconning."

When George Lucas re-edited the original Star Wars trilogy, he made changes directly to the source material, rather than introduce new source material that contradicted the contents of the previous material. However, the Star Wars prequels qualified as "new source material," and many fans have pointed out instances which apparently retcon elements of the original trilogy.

Although the concept is older,[2] the term "retroactive continuity" was popularized in 1983 by Comic Book writer Roy Thomas,[3] and the shortened form "retcon" on Usenet in the late '80s.[4]

Star Wars movies[]


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  • In Episode IV, Ben Kenobi told Luke Skywalker that his father was betrayed and murdered by a pupil of his, Darth Vader.[5] Episode V reveals Darth Vader to be Luke Skywalker's father.[6] In Episode VI, Obi-Wan explained to Luke what he meant by telling him that Vader murdered his father, informing what he said was true, "from a certain point of view", since the Anakin that Obi-Wan remembered fondly "was destroyed" when he fell to the dark side of the Force, and therefore no longer considers him "Anakin" (this is supported by Obi-Wan only calling Vader "Darth" in Episode IV and not by his real name). While the in-universe explanation holds up fairly well, whether or not this was actually a retcon out of universe is one of the most hotly debated topics concerning the original trilogy.[7][8][9][10] This point was explained in the Disney+ series Obi-Wan Kenobi.
  • In the original release of Episode IV, Han Solo proceeded to pre-emptively shoot Greedo, while in later re-releases up to the Disney acquisition it was shown that Greedo shot first and missed Han by inches while Han shot back, with Lucas later claiming that Greedo always shot first in spite of the shooting script stating otherwise. This infamously resulted in the "Han shot first" controversy among fans.
  • In Episode IV, Ben Kenobi says the Old Republic existed for a thousand generations,[11] which Expanded Universe sources interpreted to mean 25,000 years. However, in Episode II, Palpatine said that the Republic had "stood for a thousand years".[12] This would be rectified in the Legends Expanded Universe with the creation of the Ruusan Reformation. However, after April 2014, the Expanded Universe, now known as Star Wars Legends, is no longer considered canonical. 2020's The Star Wars Book would further establish that the canon Old Republic was indeed founded more than 25,000 years prior to Episode IV.[13]
  • Rogue One: A Star Wars Story introduced R2-BHD as Jon Vander's Astromech droid. The pair would survive the Battle of Scarif, however since Vander perished during the Battle of Yavin, it was unknown at the time if R2-BHD was with him. Fortunately, thanks to a LEGO set released in 2023, it was confirmed that R2-BHD participated and was destroyed in the battle.[14]
  • In Episode V, Ben Kenobi's assertion that Luke was the last hope[15] could either mean that he was unaware of Luke's and Leia's relation, or that he did not believe Leia could take Luke's place. In Episode III, he was present when Padmé Amidala gave birth to Luke and Leia, and even helped arrange for Bail Organa to adopt Leia.
  • In Episode V, Obi-Wan states that Jedi Grand Master Yoda taught him to be a Jedi.[16] In Episode I, it was retconned that he was taught by Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn.
  • In Episode VI, Obi-Wan states that he decided to train Anakin to become a Jedi. This would later be reverted in Episode I, where he initially doesn't want to, but does so to fulfill the dying wish of his master, Qui-Gon Jinn
  • In Episode VI, Leia tells Luke that she vaguely remembers how her mother looked,[17] though in Episode III, Padmé Amidala dies soon after giving birth to them. There has been some debate whether Leia was talking about Breha Organa, her foster mother (despite Luke specifically asked her about "real mother"), though StarWars.com stated that Leia was indeed remembering Padmé, so it is now unclear if this is canonical or not.[18] It should be noted that when illustrator Iain McCaig was assigned to draw concept art for Breha, he gave Breha all of Amidala's traits in an attempt to explain how Leia remembered her mother's smile.[19]
  • Poe Dameron and Rey met for the first time in Star Wars: The Force Awakens novelization, but then it was retconned that their first meeting was in Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi.[20][21]
  • Kylo Ren and Luke Skywalker both stated in Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi that Kylo had intentionally destroyed the Jedi Temple of Luke Skywalker and taken several students with him, while slaughtering the remaining students. However, The Rise of Kylo Ren 1 shows that Ben destroyed the Temple by accident and no students left to join him, only to pursue him when he fled.[22]
  • In the novelizations of Episode VII and Episode VIII, as well as the visual dictionary for Episode VIII, Snoke is established to be a dark side user with no connections to the Sith, who had previously seen the rise and fall of the Galactic Empire. Episode IX instead states that Darth Sidious had created Snoke and had been directly responsible for the events that resulted in the rise of the First Order and the corruption of Ben Solo to the dark side.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars[]

The Clone Wars made many retcons to established continuity when it debuted.

  • In the 2005 Revenge of the Sith novelization, Anakin says that he had only ever read about MagnaGuards before fighting them onboard the Invisible Hand. However, the season one episode "Duel of the Droids" has him fighting MagnaGuards to rescue R2-D2.[23]
  • Previous EU media had depicted Ryloth as being a tidally-locked planet with one side permanently facing its sun.[24] When Ryloth appeared on The Clone Wars, however, it was as a planet with a normal day/night cycle and a consequently less harsh environment.[25]
  • Clone trooper Echo's designation number was originally given in "Clone Cadets" as CT-21-0408: although not spoken aloud, all of the members of Domino Squad had their numbers written on their training armour.[26] Both the unfinished and final versions of the later episode "The Bad Batch" changed Echo's number to CT-1409.[27]
  • The tie-in graphic novel Shipyards of Doom involves a Republic strike team which includes Anakin Skywalker carbon-freezing themselves as an infiltration tactic.[28] Third-season episode "The Citadel" involves the same tactic, but has Anakin claiming never to have undergone the procedure .
  • "Citadel Rescue" retconned a part of the novel Coruscant Nights I: Jedi Twilight by killing off Even Piell, who had first been depicted as dying in that novel, later in the timeline.[29][30]
  • Season four episodes "Kidnapped," "Slaves of the Republic" and "Escape from Kadavo" were adapted from the first story arc of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars monthly comic series. However, in the course of the adaptation, a large number of elements were changed:
    • The comic, coming out around the same time as the first season of the show, was set early in the Clone Wars, with Ahsoka Tano as a young and inexperienced Padawan. The TV series, by season 4, had moved a few years into the war, and Ahsoka was much more experienced.[31] This change also resulted in the removal of several characters: in the TV show, Asajj Ventress had been kicked out of the Separatists' service during season three,[32] and clone trooper Waxer, who made a brief appearance, had been killed off in "Carnage of Krell," the episode immediately before the beginning of the arc. As a result, Boil took over Waxer's role.[33]
    • The Separatists' involvement is downplayed, with Separatist forces no longer participating in the Battle of Kadavo, and a plot thread where Count Dooku attempted to frame the Jedi for having murdered the colonists of Kiros being excised.[34]
    • Multiple characters original to the comic strip, including Onyx and his crew and Xerius Ugg, were omitted.[35] They were replaced with TV-series original character Darts D'Nar and his ship, the Tecora.[31]
  • "An Old Friend": In her entry on the original Databank, Teckla Minnau was said to have survived the Clone Wars, going on to marry a writer while serving as a handmaiden to Queen Kylantha.[36] This episode retconned that by killing her off during the events on Scipio.[37]
  • "The Lost One": Republic 61, the events of which were dated to 22 BBY by The Essential Reader's Companion,[38] depicted former Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum's death in a terrorist attack.[39] This episode, which was dated to 20 BBY in the the original continuity,[40] depicted Valorum alive and well.[41]
  • The "Bad Batch" arc which opened the series' revived seventh season was initially released on StarWars.com as a series of unfinished story reels. The final versions of the four episodes featured multiple changes:
    • The finished versions of all four episodes have different opening morals to the ones in the story reels.
    • "The Bad Batch":
      • The explanation Rex gives to Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu regarding how exactly the Separatists seem to be keeping the upper hand during the Battle of Anaxes has been changed: in the story reel, he is more upfront with his theory that the presumed-dead ARC trooper Echo may still be alive, and about the existence of the strategy algorithm the Separatists are using that has led him to this conclusion. In the finished episode, he instead gives the Jedi Generals a more vague explanation, and only confides his real theory to Cody later in the barracks in a new scene as he feels the Jedi wouldn't have believed him.[27]
      • Kix has his original almost-bald hairstyle in the story reel, but in the finished episode sports a full head of hair. Similarly, Jesse's ARC trooper helmet has a rangefinder in the story reel that is absent in the finished episode.[27]
      • In the reel, Jesse makes a comment while the Bad Batch is fighting the battle droids in the canyon, wondering "Are these guys for real?" The line is gone in the final version.[27]
    • "A Distant Echo":
      • The story reel includes provocative nose art of Padmé Amidala on the Marauder. The nose art is no longer present in the final release of the episode, nor is it visible in other episodes in which the shuttle makes an appearance. Instead, the scene where Anakin Skywalker objects to the nose art is replaced with a scene where he has a private holo-call with Padmé, while Rex attempts to keep Obi-Wan Kenobi from interrupting.[42]
      • Hunter's dialogue about the Marauder not being an obviously Republic ship is not present in the final version.[42]
      • The insensitive remarks Crosshair makes on Skako Minor that lead Rex to lose his temper and punch him are, in the story reel, an insinuation that Echo may have willingly gone over to the Separatists after being left for dead. In the final episode, Crosshair instead goads Rex by suggesting Echo's death was Rex's fault.[42]
    • "On the Wings of Keeradaks": The scene where Wat Tambor demonstrates the Decimator on a Poletec test subject is gone from the final episode.[43]
    • "Unfinished Business":
      • In the story reel, Echo says that Trench is unaware of his rescue because Wat Tambor is too afraid of the Harch Admiral to inform him of that crucial fact. In the final episode, he instead frames Trench's ignorance as due to Tambor's greed making him loath to admit the loss.[44]
      • Gold Leader, in the story reel, is wearing the same flight suit and face-revealing helmet as the clone pilots in Revenge of the Sith. In the final version, he is instead wearing the face-concealing helmet and Phase II armour introduced for clone pilots in season 4.[44]
      • The reel version of the episode ends with a medal ceremony. In the final version, the last scene is instead Rex seeing Echo off after the latter decides to take up the Bad Batch's offer to join them.[44]
  • The four-part grand finale of The Clone Wars ("Old Friends Not Forgotten," "The Phantom Apprentice," "Shattered," "Victory and Death"), released in 2020, retcons almost all of the details about the Siege of Mandalore and Ahsoka Tano and Rex's survival of and escape from Order 66 given in the 2016 novel Ahsoka.[45]
    • In the novel, Ahsoka's last conversation with Anakin is him warning her about how dangerous Maul is.[45] "Old Friends Not Forgotten" has their last conversation be them wishing each other luck and discussing the changes Anakin made to Ahsoka Tano's lightsabers. In addition, the lightsabers themselves are now blue, whereas the novel has them with their original blade colors, green and yellow-green.[46] Editions of the novel published after the episode's release updated the description of the lightsabers to match the TV show.[45]
    • In the novel, Ahsoka owns a weapons belt that she wore during the Siege and used to hold her lightsabers.[45] The TV series gives Ahsoka a Mandalorian-designed combat outfit that lacks a separate belt and has catches located at her hips for her to carry her weapons.[46]
    • Ahsoka's last duel with Maul during the Siege, in the novel, takes place in a plaza in Sundari. Their conversation is an exchange of insults regarding her departure from the Jedi and him only being "half" a Sith. Maul is captured when Ahsoka lures him into a ray shield that her allies activate.[45] In "The Phantom Apprentice", conversely, their final duel takes place on the support beams of Sundari's bio-dome, and their conversation is about Maul's earlier offer to her to team up so they can defeat Darth Sidious. Ahsoka is disarmed before she captures Maul by knocking him off of a beam and suspending him in mid-air with the Force, whereupon Rex arrives with backup in several gunships. Two Mandalorian warriors then secure Maul with their wrist-cables before Rex shoots him with a stun blast.[47]
    • In the flashback of the Siege, Maul addresses Ahsoka as "Lady Tano,"[45] which is what he calls her in Star Wars Rebels episode "Twilight of the Apprentice."[48] The novel states that Maul got the title from the clone troopers, who called Ahsoka that as a form of respect since she was no longer officially part of the Republic Military.[45] In the episodes, conversely, the clones treat Ahsoka as if she never left, addressing her as "Commander" in reference to her former rank of Jedi Commander up until Order 66 happens.[46][49] The only character referred to as "Lady" in the episodes is Bo-Katan Kryze.[46]
    • While the novel does not show the execution of Order 66 itself, it is implied that it is issued quite soon after the end of the Siege, while Ahsoka, Rex and Maul are still on Mandalore. It is hinted that Maul takes the opportunity to escape in the chaos, and Ahsoka is forced to choose between killing him or saving Rex's life, opting for the latter.[45] While the order is given after the end of the Siege in the TV show, Ahsoka and Rex have already left Mandalore, intending to deliver the captured Maul to the Jedi Council on Coruscant, and as such they are onboard a Star Destroyer in hyperspace when it happens. Maul does not escape his confinement, but is intentionally released by Ahsoka as a diversion for the clones.[49] Ahsoka is indeed forced to make a choice between dealing with Maul or saving Rex at the climax, but the decision with Maul is whether to let him escape in the shuttle he is stealing.[50]
    • Finally, in the novel, after escaping, Ahsoka and Rex fake their deaths to the Empire by burying another clone in Rex's armour, marking the grave with a headstone claiming that they killed each other. Having acquired two starships and having decided to split up, Rex leaves first before Ahsoka, left alone in the night, turns on her lightsabers one last time before kneeling and placing them on the gravesite to seal the deception. She then leaves as well.[45] In the episode, the gravesite is, instead of Mandalore as implied in the novel, on a moon, where the Star Destroyer they were onboard crashed after Maul destroyed its hyperdrive. No attempt is made to create a fake grave for Rex, as he keeps his armor and he and Ahsoka instead bury the bodies of the clones who died in the crash, and no inscribed grave markers are created, as the clones' helmets on poles are used instead. Ahsoka does not abandon her weapons at night, but in the daytime, and does not abandon her lightsabers together, with her only being shown abandoning her primary weapon, not the shoto lightsaber. She does not ignite the blade, instead only briefly hesitating before dropping it on the ground. She and Rex are also implied to leave the moon together, only parting ways afterwards, as they only have one starship.[50]

Star Wars: The Bad Batch[]

Series premiere "Aftermath" directly contradicts events depicted in the Star Wars: Kanan comic series regarding the Battle of Kaller and how Depa Billaba and Caleb Dume experienced Order 66.

  • In the comic, CC-10/994 "Grey" is a Clone Commander with red armor markings and equipment including a pauldron over his right shoulder and a vibrosword on a bandolier.[51] "Aftermath" depicts him as a Clone Captain with green markings, no sword, and a pauldron over his left shoulder.[52]
  • Billaba's lightsaber goes from green in the comic[51] to blue in the episode,[52] following up on the reference book Star Wars: The Lightsaber Collection.[53] The blue color originated from concept art created for Star Wars: The Clone Wars prior to the series' initial cancellation.[54]
  • In Kanan, Commander Grey and Captain Styles attack Billaba and Dume at a campground at night on Kaller after the Separatists have surrendered Kaller to the Republic. Grey responds to the order with "Yes, my Lord." Billaba and Dume fight together until Billaba orders Dume to run while she is shot down. Afterwards, he is hunted in the forest by Rostu Squad.[55] "Aftermath" has Dume separated from Billaba during the daytime in the immediate aftermath of a battle as he follows Clone Force 99. At this point, Captain Grey receives Order 66 and, saying nothing in response, attacks Billaba with his men. Dume runs back towards his Master, but, after being told to run, escapes into the forest and is followed by Clone Sergeant Hunter and Crosshair. The latter attacks Dume, while Hunter attempts to help him. Dume eventually escapes by leaping over a small canyon.[52]
  • Kanan has Dume use his Jedi cloak to conceal his identity while evading clone forces.[55] "Aftermath" shows him losing it in the woods while being followed by members of the Bad Batch.[52]

Star Wars Legends[]


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Notes and references[]

  1. Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines on Del Rey: "I really enjoy kicking stuff around with other creatives, and everyone now knows I'm a retcon addict. Retcon is retroactive continuity–the science of making stuff fit and getting better stories out of it. Retconning isn't about changing existing continuity: it's about taking seemingly contradictory issues that coexist in continuity already, due to errors or oversights, or even gaps, and finding a way to make it all work together, so that no piece of the continuity is ignored. Forget Sudoku and Rubik's cubes–retcon is my Olympic mental gymnastics of choice." (archived from the original on March 8, 2009)
  2. Tupper, E. Frank. The Theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg. Philadelphia: Westminster Press (1973). p. 100, 221. ISBN 9780664209735. Note: This book seems to be the first printed use of the concept.
  3. Roy, Thomas. All-Star Squadron 18, letters column. DC Comics (February 1983). "We like to think that an enthusiastic ALL-STAR booster at one of Adam Malin's Creation Conventions in San Diego came up with the best name for it a few months back: 'Retroactive Continuity'. Has kind of a ring to it, don't you think?"
  4. Damian Cugley's mail copy on groups.google.com (archived from the original)
  5. Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope — Obi-Wan Kenobi: "A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil, helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights. He betrayed and murdered your father."
  6. Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back — Darth Vader: "No. I am your father."
  7. Luke, I was not your original father by Novotny, Ben on www.lbunion.com (April 6, 2013) (archived from the original on April 30, 2013)
  8. Star Wars Blog Another 1978 Father Spoiler DiscoveredThe Official Star Wars Blog on StarWars.com (backup link)
  9. Evidence that Star Wars wasn't initially planned as 6 movies? on boards.straightdope.com (December 23, 2002) (archived from the original on August 17, 2020)
  10. JCF-favicon CT Did Lucas know Darth was Luke's father in ANH? on the Jedi Council Forums (Classic Trilogy board; accessed April 18, 2013) (backup link)
  11. Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope — Obi-Wan Kenobi: "For more than a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic."
  12. Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones
  13. The Star Wars Book
  14. LEGO LEGO Star Wars (Set: 75365 Yavin 4 Rebel Base)
  15. Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back — Ben: "That boy is our last hope." Yoda: "No. There is another."
  16. Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back — Yoda: "Much anger in him, like his father." Obi-Wan Kenobi: "Was I any different when you taught me?"
  17. Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi - Leia: "She was very beautiful. Kind, but...sad."
  18. StarWars Star Wars Q & A on StarWars.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  19. The Art of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
  20. TwitterLogo Pablo Hidalgo (@pablohidalgo) on Twitter: "Their meeting was cut from TFA. It made the novel, but novels end up having abandoned threads like that. Which is why when asked if novelizations are canon, I say that those are aways tricky since they're written before the movie is done by someone who hasn't seen it." (screenshot)
  21. Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi
  22. The Rise of Kylo Ren 1
  23. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Duel of the Droids"
  24. Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds
  25. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Liberty on Ryloth"
  26. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Clone Cadets"
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Bad Batch"
  28. The Clone Wars: Shipyards of Doom
  29. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Citadel Rescue"
  30. Coruscant Nights I: Jedi Twilight
  31. 31.0 31.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Kidnapped"
  32. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Nightsisters"
  33. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Carnage of Krell"
  34. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Escape from Kadavo"
  35. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Slaves of the Republic
  36. Databank title Minnau, Teckla in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link)
  37. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "An Old Friend"
  38. The Essential Reader's Companion
  39. Republic 61
  40. The Official Star Wars Fact File Part 60 (20 BBY 67–70, Sifo-Dyas' Legacy) places the events of "The Lost One" in 20 BBY.
  41. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Lost One"
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "A Distant Echo"
  43. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "On the Wings of Keeradaks"
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Unfinished Business"
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.3 45.4 45.5 45.6 45.7 45.8 Ahsoka
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Old Friends Not Forgotten"
  47. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Phantom Apprentice"
  48. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Twilight of the Apprentice"
  49. 49.0 49.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Shattered"
  50. 50.0 50.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Victory and Death"
  51. 51.0 51.1 Kanan 1
  52. 52.0 52.1 52.2 52.3 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Aftermath"
  53. Star Wars: The Lightsaber Collection
  54. StarWars "Aftermath" Episode Guide on StarWars.com (backup link)
  55. 55.0 55.1 Kanan 2
  56. SWInsider "The History of the Mandalorians" — Star Wars Insider 80
  57. WizardsoftheCoast "The Dark Forces Saga, Part 1" (original article link) on Wizards.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  58. The Crystal Star
  59. TwitterLogo Randy Stradley (@Randy_Stradley) on Twitter: "In George's original screenplay for RotS, there was a scene where Vos was killed, so we put it in the adaptation -- even though there was more we wanted to do with him. Later, we learned Vos's scene was cut (never filmed), so we decided he was only wounded." (backup link)

External links[]
