

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

"Avoid the use of firepower. We'll see about that."
―Bossk inspects his weapon[4]

The Relby-v10 micro grenade launcher,[5] also known as the Relby-v10 mortar gun[6] and Relby V-10 Grenade Launcher,[1] was a hybrid model of blaster rifle/grenade launcher that was used by the Trandoshan bounty hunter Bossk.[7] It was also used by Bossk's father, Cradossk.[1] Aside from Bossk famously using the weapon, some marksmen of both the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire used the Relby-v10. The Relby V-10 can be configured firing micro-grenades to firing blaster bolts.[3] One bounty hunter used a Rebly-v10 during the incident on Nevarro.[8] Omera used a Relby-v10 on Sorgan.[9]

Colloquially referred to as a mortar gun, the Relby-v10 was a simple yet destructive weapon. With a range of up to 200 meters in addition to good accuracy, it gave the wielder great capability. It was a fairly lightweight weapon.[2] A similar looking weapon was used by Death Watch Warriors,[10] including a Mandalorian super commando.[11]

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