

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 

"I was wondering when you'd arrive. You've inconvenienced me, and harried my army, but you cannot hope to truly win here. If you recognize this truth as I do, then I offer you a way out: stand aside so I can leave the valley with my forces, and I'll not only leave you unharmed, but I won't ruin the holocrons containing those meddlesome liars you seem to value so much. My victory is certain, but it might cost me, and I cannot afford that when I have so much left to do."
―Rav Naaran, to a party of adventurers[1]

Rav Naaran was a Human male Jedi Knight who was once a rising star in the Jedi Order. Naaran's ascension was delayed by the Clone Wars, during which he became a Jedi General serving in the Grand Army of the Republic. Over the course of the war, Naaran began to give in to his darker nature, eventually falling to the dark side of the Force and amassing a following. After being defeated by the Jedi Order, Naaran was held in stasis beneath the Dawn Temple on the planet Spintir for rehabilitation. Engineering his escape with the aid of the dark side adept Malefax, Naaran came into conflict with a group of adventurers when he attempted to steal the temple's holocrons.


Descent into darkness[]

"Before the Clone Wars broke out, Rav Naaran was a rising star within the Jedi Order, a senior knight renowned for his discipline and courage. Many thought he would soon join the Jedi Council. His ascension was delayed when fighting broke out across the Republic, although he, like many others, was afforded the rank of general in the Republic's military during the crisis."
―The Jailor[1]

Rav Naaran was a senior Jedi Knight of the Jedi Order during the reign of the Galactic Republic. A formidable foe to pirates, criminals, and any others who threatened the Republic, Naaran began a rise to prominence within the Order, and many believed he would join the Jedi Council. Naaran's rise was delayed by the outbreak of the Clone Wars[1] in 22 BBY.[3] He was subsequently granted the rank of Jedi General[1] in the Grand Army of the Republic,[3] a position he took to with a level of expertise. The events of the war further caused Naaran to succumb to his more violent nature, and he eventually gave in to the dark side of the Force.[1]


Rav Naaran and his thralls (one pictured) were imprisoned in the Dawn Temple's stasis cells.

Naaran gathered a number of followers and went on to kill many beings, including Jedi. He and his minions were later brought down by the Jedi Order[1] sometime by 19 BBY.[4] Naaran and his thralls were then imprisoned in stasis cells beneath the Dawn Temple, a facility located atop Mount Tellec on the planet Spintir, for rehabilitation. One of the temple's gatekeepers—a holographic intelligence connected to a holocron known as the Jailor—attempted to treat Naaran and his followers unsuccessfully, and they became the only patients held there for an extended period of time. The temple's databanks came to contain a great deal of information about the fallen Jedi.[1]


"Somewhere in that flood of escapees is Rav Naaran, a powerful Jedi who fell to the dark side. There was simply too much chaos to identify him among them, but it is crucial that he be stopped from leaving the valley, by whatever means possible."
―The Jailor[1]

Naaran was still in stasis by the reign of the Galactic Empire. Although captive, Naaran was able to project his spirit in hopes of finding a servant who would set him free; Naaran guided the dark side adept Malefax in secretly sabotaging the Dawn Temple. The Jailor later brought the temple's systems fully online, triggering Malefax's tampering and causing Naaran and his followers to be set free.[1]

Dawn Temple FDBG

The Dawn Temple, where Naaran was held

Naaran sought to flee, but not before stealing the Dawn Temple's trio of holocrons. His plan involved luring a band of[1] Force-sensitive[5] adventurers associated with the temple out into the nearby valley to buy himself time. Naaran utilized the temple's stasis chambers as a center of command from which he coordinated his newly released forces. The fallen Jedi later destroyed the defenses of the Dawn Temple's holocron chamber but found himself blocked by an energy screen. The adventurers found Naaran there, and he requested that he and his allies be allowed to depart in peace. Naaran further promised to leave both the holocrons undisturbed and the individuals unharmed should they accept his offer, fearing that conflict could prove costly to his future plans.[1]

Personality and traits[]

"Rav was never one of the order's more forgiving or gentle peacekeepers, and his battles in the Clone Wars only encouraged his sterner nature. He hardened and grew sharper, dealing with his foes with increasing harshness, until at last he broke and became that which he despised."
―The Jailor[1]

A Human male, Rav Naaran was tall, trim, and clean-shaven with light skin. Although already in his middle years by the Imperial era, Naaran's time in stasis granted him youth and vigor beyond his true age. As a Jedi, Rav Naaran was relentless, courageous, and often stubborn, though the latter trait was tempered by tactical discipline during wartime. However, Naaran often exhibited a stern temperament and was neither forgiving nor gentle. Once known for his more positive traits, the Clone Wars hardened the Jedi, causing him to exhibit a harsher nature when dealing with his foes.[1]

After escaping from the Dawn Temple, Naaran prioritized stealing its holocrons over immediate escape. The fallen Jedi considered their gatekeepers to be "meddlesome liars" but, content to depart when confronted, promised a group of adventurers to leave the devices intact if they complied with his demands. Naaran resorted to giving a speech before engaging in violence, feeling that his victory was inevitable but not wanting to put his future endeavors at risk.[1]

Powers and abilities[]

"In honor of the man he once was, I shall not speak of his fall. In deference to the realities of the creature he has become, I must warn you—he slew many before he was brought to the Dawn Temple, including his own brethren of the Jedi Order."
―The Jailor[1]

Rav Naaran was a master of the lightsaber, his skills honed by constant fighting. He was capable of parrying melee attacks and reflecting blaster bolts and was skilled enough to kill a number of Jedi before being imprisoned. The Jailor described Naaran as powerful, while the Warden, another gatekeeper, objected to re-imprisoning him on the grounds that the prospect was dangerous and that doing so once had already put the Dawn Temple at significant risk.[1]


Rav Naraan guided Malefax (pictured) in sabotaging the Dawn Temple.

A fallen Jedi, Naaran drew upon the dark side of the Force. Naaran could utilize the Force to jump across moderate distances and telekinetically lift and move objects, ranging from smaller items—such as a backpack—to larger ones, up to the size of a person. He could use this ability in combat to hurl objects at his enemies. Naaran could also use the Force to wrack and attack targets' minds and conceal himself from the gatekeepers of the Dawn Temple in the aftermath of his escape.[1]

Naraan's connection to the dark side allowed him to dominate others under its influence, including former victims and corrupted icewolves. While held in stasis at the Dawn Temple, Naaran projected his spirit as a guide to Malefax, allowing the latter to bypass a number of the temple's security protocols and internal systems without the knowledge of the Curator gatekeeper.[1]

Upon gaining freedom from the Dawn Temple's stasis chamber, Naaran utilized the facility as a command center to provide direction to his thralls in a twisted reflection of his leadership as a Republic general.[1]


As a fallen Jedi, Rav Naaran wore a set of black-armored robes with a hood, utility belt, and boots. Naaran also carried a red-bladed lightsaber and a pair of stimpacks.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Rav Naaran appeared in Lure of the Lost, a downloadable adventure for Fantasy Flight Games' 2015 Star Wars: Force and Destiny roleplaying game. The adventure notes that should the Player Characters (PCs) accept Rav Naaran's offer of departure without violence, Naaran would be true to his word and leave immediately, although the long-term consequences are described as "unknown, and likely perilous." Should the PCs decline, Naaran fights until he is knocked out or killed. If Naaran is incapacitated in either manner, his surviving forces flee the encounter. Should Naaran escape or be defeated with non-lethal force, suggestions are provided about the possibility of further confrontations or future rehabilitation, respectively.[1]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 Lure of the Lost
  2. Lure of the Lost establishes that Rav Naaran was one of the Jedi Generals during the Clone Wars; they served in the Grand Army of the Republic according to The New Essential Chronology.
  3. 3.0 3.1 The New Essential Chronology
  4. Lure of the Lost states that Rav Naaran and his followers were detained by the Jedi Order, which collapsed in 19 BBY according to The New Essential Chronology.
  5. The opening crawl of Mountaintop Rescue establishes the adventurers involved in the plot's events as Force-sensitive. Since Lure of the Lost is a direct sequel to Mountaintop Rescue, it involves the same individuals.