

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

"With those ion clouds disrupting sensors, they won't last long inside the Lost Souls asteroid field-—"
"—but neither can we. Not trying to maneuver a Raider II-class corvette this size."
―Iden Versio and Del Meeko, on the crew of the Edgehawk[5]

The Raider II-class corvette was a model of the Raider-class corvette. The Corvus, which belonged to Inferno Squad, was one such ship.[3]



Similar to contemporary Imperial warships of the time, the Raider II-class corvette's 150-meter hull[3] retained the ubiquitous dagger shape, which was a design feature commonplace in the Imperial Navy. At the aft end of the vessel was its stout command bridge, which was quite sizeable. At the ventral prow of the corvette was a large boarding ramp, which adjoined to and was part of the ships Hangar bay. The hangar was capable of holding multiple TIE/ln space superiority starfighters or X-wing starfighters. A notable feature of the Raider II's design was the addition of solar collector wings on the corvette's exterior, which bore a striking resemblance to those on the TIE/IN interceptor.


To be expected of a military corvette, the Raider II-class corvette possessed significant firepower for its size. The ships broad arsenal included concussion missile launchers, numerous dual heavy laser cannons, and multiple ion cannons.[3]

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