

For other uses, see Purry.

"I…I had a tooka cat as a child. But the man who raised me said attachments made me weak. He killed it in front of me."
―Vukorah, to Losha Tarkon[3]

Purry was a Loth-cat owned by the human female Vukorah when she was a child. By around 10 BBY, Vukorah was rescued from the streets by the Grand Leader of the Unbroken Clan criminal organization, and she went to live with him and his daughter Krynthia in the Unbroken Clan Palace on the planet Corellia. Vukorah secretly brought Purry with her, and the tooka lived in cellars under the palace's kitchen until the Grand Leader discovered her.

Seeing Vukorah's attachment to Purry as a weakness, the Grand Leader instructed Vukorah to kill the cat so she could prove her love to the Clan. Ultimately the Grand Leader killed the cat, which he did in front of Vukorah. Purry's death had a lasting effect on Vukorah for many years afterward. Between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, she recalled her pet's death on multiple occasions.


Grand Leader: "Imagine my disappointment discovering you were keeping a Loth-cat as a secret pet in the cellars under the kitchen."
Purry: "Hisssss."
Vukorah: "Please… She isn't hurting anyone. I'll let her go. You won't ever have to see her again. I…I promise. Please don't hurt her."
Grand Leader: "Oh, I won't hurt 'Purry.' You are going to do it—to prove your love for the Unbroken Clan."
―The Grand Leader, Purry, and Vukorah[2]

Purry was a Loth-cat kept as a pet by the human female Vukorah[2] during[3] her[2] childhood.[3] At some point, by around 10 BBY,[1] Vukorah was rescued from the streets by the Grand Leader of the Unbroken Clan criminal organization,[4] and she came to live at[2] the Unbroken Clan Palace on[4] the Core Worlds planet[5] Corellia.[4] Vukorah secretly brought Purry with her, and the Loth-cat lived in the cellars under the palace's kitchen for some time. At some point, the Grand Leader discovered Purry and became enraged with Vukorah.[2]


Vukorah was brought by the Grand Leader to shoot Purry and prove her love to the Unbroken Clan.

The Grand Leader then brought Vukorah to Purry, whom an Unbroken Clan guard held.[2] He[4] expressed disappointment with her for growing soft and taking in outside attachments and produced a blaster pistol, to which Purry hissed while still being held by the guard. Vukorah pleaded with the Grand Leader, telling him she would let the cat go and promised he would not see her again. In response, the Grand Leader handed Vukorah the blaster and told her that she would have to kill Purry to prove her love to the Unbroken Clan. As she held the weapon, Vukorah closed her eyes.[2] Ultimately, Vukorah did not end the tooka's life, but the Grand Leader instead did in front of her.[3]

The Loth-cat's death had a profound effect on Vukorah that lasted for many years, as she loved animals.[3] Between 3 ABY and 4 ABY,[6] Vukorah,[3] now the Grand Leader of the Unbroken Clan,[4] was forced to kill the nexu Furball to defend herself while attempting to kill[3] the bounty hunter[7] Losha Tarkon.[8] Afterward, Vukorah tried to explain her action and informed Tarkon about Purry and what had happened to it.[3] In the same time period,[6] as Vukorah watched two members discuss a plot to have Vukorah removed from the Clan's throne via a camera, she thought back to when Purry had been discovered by the Grand Leader and her death shortly after.[2] Not long after,[6] Vukorah left the Unbroken Clan[7] to become a bounty hunter and she acquired four new tookas—one which was named Purry.[9]

Personality and traits[]

Purry had dark brown skin and chestnut-colored fur with darker brown spots and a paler underbelly.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Purry was first mentioned, albeit unidentified, in the twenty-sixth issue of the comic series Star Wars: Bounty Hunters. The issue was written by Ethan Sacks and published by Marvel Comics[3] on August 10, 2022.[10] Purry later made her first appearance and was identified by name in flashbacks of the thirty-first issue, written by Sacks, illustrated by Paolo Villanelli, and published by Marvel[2] on February 15, 2023.[11]


Notes and references[]

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