

For other uses, see Starros.

The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"So, are your dads still on Nar Shaddaa?"
"No, they retired to Dalna."
―Aryssha and Sana Starros[1]

The father of the humans Phel and Sana Starros raised the pair on the Outer Rim moon Nar Shaddaa with the children's mother, Jorinda, as part of the Starros Clan. When Jorinda died, he parented Phel and Sana with the man Luu—who became the children's second dad—before eventually retiring to the Outer Rim planet Dalna. Between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, Sana conversed with her cousin Aryssha about her dads' whereabouts and later wished she had visited the pair on Dalna instead of stopping by the family's homestead on Core Worlds planet Hosnian Prime. When Phel—acting as an Imperial officer—took the Starros Clan matriarch Thea Starros captive, she berated him for his actions, indicating that his fathers had taught him better.


"So you're doing this alone?"
"Sure, why not? Your dad raised you and Phel all by himself after Aunt Jorinda died."
"Only until he met Papa Luu."
―Sana Starros and Aryssha discuss the latter's pregnancy[1]

The father raised Phel and Sana Starros (pictured) alongside Jorinda, and later with Luu's help.

The father of the humans Phel and Sana Starros was a man who lived during the Imperial Era. He raised his children with the woman Jorinda—the children's mother—as part of the Starros Clan[1] in Wormstew Town on[2] the Outer Rim moon[3] Nar Shaddaa. Following Jorinda's death[1] at some point by around 11 BBY,[4] he did his best to raise Phel and Sana alone. However, the father eventually met the man Luu and began a relationship with them, resulting in the pair raising the two children as their dads.[1] Sana later left her childhood home to study at the University of Bar'leth, leading Phel to eventually join the Galactic Empire's service after her departure—though most of his family regarded his enlistment as a betrayal.[5]


Thea Starros (center right) berated Phel Starros (center front) for taking his family captive, expressing that his fathers had raised him better.

The two men remained on Nar Shaddaa for some time before eventually retiring on[1] the Outer Rim planet[6] Dalna. While stopping by the Starros Clan homestead on[1] the Core Worlds planet[7] Hosnian Prime[1] between 3 ABY and 4 ABY,[8] Sana and her cousin Aryssha discussed the former's fathers and their retirement to Dalna. Aryssha—who was expecting twins—indicated that she would prefer to raise her children alone, equating the prospect to how Sana's father had raised her and Phel by himself after Jorinda's death. However, Sana reminded Aryssha that Luu had helped her other father parent her and her brother.[1]

Not long after, Sana was unwittingly enlisted to help recover a family heirloom Phel had taken from their family compound. Displeased, she commented that she wished she had visited her fathers instead of stopping by the Starros Clan's compound and getting involved.[9] While trying to recover the artifact, the family's matriarch—Thea Starros—was taken captive by Phel, who was by then an Imperial officer, in a skirmish on[5] the Colonies[7] planet Hynestia. After being forced aboard the Imperial Raider-class corvette King's Ransom, the matriarch denounced his actions against his family and remarked that his fathers had raised him to do better.[5]

Personality and traits[]

"Save it. Your fathers raised you better than this. Just shameful."
―Phel and Thea Starros, about the former's fathers[5]

Sana cared for her fathers and was open to the idea of visiting them and Luu[9] on Dalna[1] during their retirement. Thea respected the father's parenting skills, telling Phel that his dads had raised better than how he had behaved when he had taken the former captive on Hynestia.[5]

Behind the scenes[]

The father was first mentioned in the first issue of the comic-book series Star Wars: Sana Starros, which was written by Justina Ireland and published by Marvel Comics[1] on February 1, 2023.[10]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 Sana Starros 1
  2. Star Wars (2015) 34
  3. Build the Millennium Falcon Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 81 (Guide to the Galaxy: Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa)
  4. Sana Starros 1 establishes that Jorinda had died before the events of Star Wars: Sana Starros, which take place between 3 ABY and 4 ABY per the reasoning here. The issue also states that after Jorinda's death, their twin childrenPhel and Sana Starros—were raised by the two's Phel and Sana Starros' father and Luu. Sana Starros 4 later establishes that after being raised by her two dads, Sana left to study at the University of Bar'leth. Doctor Aphra: An Audiobook Original depicts Chelli Lona Aphra first real noticing of Sana at the University of Bar'leth as taking place not long after Aphra had began her doctorate, which Star Wars: Timelines dates to 11 BBY. Therefore, Sana must have enrolled at the university by around 11 BBY, and Jorinda must have passed away by that same time.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Sana Starros 4
  6. The High Republic: A Test of Courage
  7. 7.0 7.1 Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge: Traveler's Guide to Batuu
  8. The events of Star Wars: Sana Starros take place between the events of issue 31 and issue 38 of the 2020 Star Wars: Doctor Aphra comic-book series. Furthermore, StarWars SWCE 2023: Marvel Reveals Star Wars: Dark Droids Horror Event and More on StarWars.com (backup link) establishes that the events of that series, including the two aforementioned issues, take place between the events of Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, which Star Wars: Timelines dates to 3 ABY and 4 ABY, respectively.
  9. 9.0 9.1 Sana Starros 3
  10. Marvel-TemplateLogo Star Wars: Sana Starros (2023) #1 on Marvel Comics' official website (backup link)
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