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This article is about the Hutt Space planet.
You may be looking for the Expansion Region planet Mimban.

"Why you slimy excuse for a Nimbanese jowl-preener…"
Diergu-Rea Duhnes'rd, about Sevik[8]

Nimban was a Hutt Space planet that was the homeworld of the sentient Nimbanel species. Having evolved from herbivorous reptiles that had tracked moving plants across Nimban's plains, the Nimbanese preferred an intellectual approach to problem-solving instead of violence and excelled at dealing with bureaucracies. Nimban was a part of the Hutt Empire by 25,102 BBY, and the Nimbanese played an important role in the foundation of the galactic Bureau of Ships and Services around 18,000 BBY.

Nimban eventually became a member world of the Galactic Republic. Centuries before the Galactic Civil War, however, the Nimbanese Krovalis clan led the species and their homeworld into seceding from the Republic and petitioning the Hutt clans to voluntarily become a part of Hutt Space and enter servitude to the Hutt species. By the time of the Galactic Civil War, Nimban was the site of the headquarters of the companies Delban Faxicorp and Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc. The Yuuzhan Vong eventually conquered the Nimban system as part of their invasion of the galaxy.


Nimban was a planet[9] located in the Nimban system, a part of the Hutt Space portion of the Slice. It was situated on the hyperlane known as the Pabol Sleheyron, which linked it to the Nar Kreeta and Sleheyron systems and also served as the endpoint of[1] the Sisar Run[2] hyperspace route, which connected it to the Sionia system.[1] The length of Nimban's local year was three fifths of a standard year, and the planet's surface featured nine continents.[3]

A very gentle and peaceful world,[3] Nimban had a peculiar ecology[4] wherein a species of grazing reptile that was at one point at the top of the Nimbanese food chain tracked[3] unusual[4] plants that were traveling across the planet's plains. Those plants evolved progressively more sophisticated means of protecting their seeds, while the reptiles—which eventually evolved into the sentient Nimbanel species[3]—adapted in order to extract the plants' edible portions.[4] Thus, the Nimbanese began to craft tools to reach the boyy'lo plant's berries and developed analytical skills in order to unlock[3] the interlocking petals of the puzzleflower.[5] Nimban was also home to the creature known as the jowlpreener.[6]


Early history[]


Nimban was a part of the Hutt Empire by 25,102 BBY.

At some point, the Nimbanese of Nimban developed primitive space travel technology and settled several planets in their star system.[3] By 25,102 BBY, Nimban was a part of the Hutt Empire,[1] and merchants of[10] the planet's native[3] Nimbanel species served masters of the Hutt species offworld during that time.[10]

After the Nimbanese were discovered by the Galactic Republic,[3] they became instrumental in founding the Bureau of Ships and Services,[11] a supragovernmental galactic starship regulation agency,[1] around 18,000 BBY. Although the Republic explored space surrounding Nimban between 15,000 BBY and 8000 BBY,[1] the planet was situated outside of both the Republic's and Hutt Space's borders between around 15,000 BBY and approximately 11,000 BBY. In 11,939 BBY, the military forces of the Republic, which was controlled by the Humanocentric Pius Dea sect at the time, advanced toward Nimban as part of the Third Pius Dea Crusade that was waged against the Hutt species.[12]

Joining and leaving the Republic[]


By 22 BBY, Nimban had joined Hutt Space.

Nimban eventually became a member world of the Republic with representatives in the Galactic Senate. However, by several centuries before the Galactic Civil War,[4] the Nimbanese had observed the encroachment of Hutt Space upon their territory. The Nimbanese Krovalis clan had applied to become a data holder family of the Bureau of Ships and Services and approached the Hutt clans, offering its species' servitude as well as complete access to the Nimbanese databanks and holdings. In return, the Hutts would back the Krovalis bid with the Bureau of Ships and Services and would also ensure the Nimbanese their continued relative freedom and standard of living.[3]

Thus, Nimban seceded from the Republic and successfully petitioned to become a part of Hutt Space[4] at some point by 22 BBY,[12] a decision that brought the world galactic renown.[4] Nevertheless, during the first campaigns of the Clone Wars that year, the Republic's Thirteenth Sector Army was tasked with engaging the military forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems in Nimban's vicinity.[12]

At some point between 26 ABY and 27 ABY, the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong conquered the Nimban system as part of their invasion of the galaxy. The Yuuzhan Vong also terraformed[1] the Sisar Run's[2] industrial world Dirha, which up to that point had served as a refueling point for starships traveling to Nimban. The Nimban system remained under the invaders' control by 27 ABY.[1]



Nimban was the homeworld of the Nimbanese, including the fortune teller Tawss Khaa.

Nimban was the homeworld of the Nimbanese, a species of sentient, endothermic reptilian humanoids.[3] All Nimbanese spoke the Nimbanese language as well as the Huttese language of the Hutt species and Galactic Basic Standard, the lingua franca of the wider galaxy.[7] The population of the Nimban system around 25 ABY numbered between one and ten billion.[1]

The Nimbanese were renowned for their labyrinthine mind-set and their ability to navigate extensive records and information systems easily,[4] and they were naturally inclined toward maintaining various bureaucracies.[3] The Nimbanese favored an intellectual approach to solving problems, and it even replaced intraspecies warfare for them.[4] The Nimbanese society was organized into clan states that eventually spread across all of Nimban's continents, and since early in the species' history, clan rivalries were resolved through puzzle competitions known as muhndees. The muhndees eventually evolved into an annually held event, with rivalries between the clans morphing into relatively benign competition. In addition, heads of Nimbanese families competed for membership in the councils of their clans in electoral muhndees held every five local years.[3]

The Nimbanese had access to standard galactic technology, such as droids and hyperdrives, as well as advanced data storage and computer systems that were valued in the wider galaxy. The accountant Mosep Binneed[3] and fortune teller Tawss Khaa[13] were both Nimbanels who hailed from Nimban.[14]


Nimban was the site of an office of the Bureau of Ships and Services,[3] and by the time of the Galactic Civil War, it had also come to host the headquarters of the droid manufacturing company Delban Faxicorp and the starship manufacturer Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.[4]

Behind the scenes[]

"I gathered the roster of worlds that hadn't been placed but that sources indicated were in Hutt Space—the likes of Saki, Ganath, Kleeva, Moralan, Circumtore, and Nimban—and added them to the map in pencil."
―Jason Fry[15]

Nimban was introduced in Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies.

Nimban was created by Pablo Hidalgo and introduced in Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies, a 1995 sourcebook published for use with West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.[3] Although the 2003 Wizards of the Coast's Star Wars Roleplaying Game sourcebook Ultimate Alien Anthology[7] and The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia of 2008 both placed Nimban in the Outer Rim Territories,[9] the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry instead placed it in grid square S-10 as part of Hutt Space.[1]

In a 2009 Suvudu article describing the creation of the map of Hutt Space for The Essential Atlas, Fry related that in 2006, after sketching an outline for the borders of that region with a ballpoint pen and noting the few systems that previously published sources had placed on maps, he composed a list of worlds that were implied to be in Hutt Space but had not been explicitly depicted as part of the region. During that process, Fry added Nimban to the map-in-progress in pencil.[15]



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