

For other uses, see Nik.

"A rather notorious member of this humanoid species is one Nik Hepho, a bounty hunter who specializes in hunting down those suspected of following the outlawed religion known as the Church of the Force. With unmistakable smooth blue skin, he is not an easy character to miss."
―An entry in an artist's journal restored and expanded by the Graf Archive[2]

Nik Hepho was a Britarro who worked as a bounty hunter during the reign of the Galactic Empire. He specialized in hunting members of the outlawed Church of the Force and, after working in the Inner Rim and on the planet Coruscant, traveled to the moon Jedha to hunt down more suspected adherents.

He at one point traveled to an area of desert and made it unsafe to travel through until an Imperial spy snuck up on the increasingly reckless bounty hunter and disarmed him before letting him flee. Hepho was later present in Jedha City shortly before it was destroyed by the Empire's Death Star superweapon.


"EXERCISE EXTREME CAUTION. On Jedha to stop Church of the Force members."
―An Imperial dossier on Hepho[3]

The Empire maintained a dossier on Hepho.

The Britarro Nik Hepho worked as a bounty hunter, specializing in tracking down adherents of the Church of the Force, a religion outlawed by the Galactic Empire. His skill gained him some renown in the Inner Rim, and he hunted in the depths of the planet Coruscant until he considered that area empty of targets. Hepho then traveled to the moon of Jedha with a list of suspected Church members compiled by the Imperial Security Bureau that he had bought on the black market. While on Jedha, Hepho kept his starship, the Apostate, hovering in orbit under the control of a droid intelligence with which he maintained contact via a backpack-mounted long-range transmitter.[1]

Hepho at one point traveled around mounted in the Jedha desert in the area between the Toribota Temple and the Pilgrim Market, eventually hiding within the shadows of an outcropping from which he monitored the surronding area and prevented anyone from passing through safely. After Hepho shot at them from the south-west, an Imperial spy that needed to pass through the area near Hepho used an Imperial dossier on the Britarro to identify his mounted tracks and followed them. Having heard a Twi'lek and a Devaronian at Gesh's Tapcafe discussing how sneaking up behind Hepho was the best way to defeat him, the spy was able to surprise the bounty hunter and acted quickly to disarm him before letting him flee, allowing the spy to move through the area safely.[3]

Nik Hepho Rogue One

Nik Hepho (background) in Jedha City

In 1 BBY,[4] he walked past[5] the Disciple of the Whills Silvanie Phest[1] and one of[5] her[1] fellow disciples in the market stall-lined streets of[5] Jedha City.[1] Soon after this, the entire city was destroyed by the superlaser of the Empire's Death Star superweapon.[5] Hepho was mentioned present tense and depicted in an artist's journal, which was restored, expanded, and displayed by the Graf Archive[2] at some point after 34 ABY.[6]

Personality and traits[]

"Nik Hepho is increasingly reckless. When you'll find him, follow him. The best way to defeat him is to defeat him is to sneak up on him from behind."
―A customer at Gesh's Tapcafe[3]

A Britarro, Nik Hepho had smooth, blue skin and green eyes with no hair.[1] Hepho's unmistakable skin tone made him hard to miss.[2] The hunter's increasing recklessness on Jedha left him vulnerable to stealthy opponents.[3]

Skills and abilities[]

"Excellent desert hunter and tracker. Expert sniper. Uses a heavy weapon carried over the shoulder. Very dangerous."
―An Imperial dossier on Hepho[3]

Nik Hepho was an expert sniper.

Nik Hepho was highly skilled at hunting and tracking in desert enviroments and was an expert sniper. He was considered notorious and extremely dangerous by the Empire, which advised its operatives to exercise extreme caution around the Britarro.[3]


While on Jedha, Hepho wore a yellow coat and gloves with a gray shirt and brown pants, and made use of a metallic headpiece and a BlasTech A310 rifle with a perforated, air-cooling barrel-shroud. He wore a backpack-mounted long-range transmitter that allowed him to keep in contact with his starship, the Apostate.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Nik Hepho first appeared in the 2016 Anthology film, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.[5] The film did not identify Hepho,[5] but his name was provided by Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, a reference book written by Pablo Hidalgo[1] and released on the same day as the film.[7]


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