


This article is non-canon within the canon continuity.

This article covers a subject from a Star Wars: Visions story that Lucasfilm declared is set in an alternate history within a reimagined galaxy.

"If this is some kind of trap to kill Jedi, did everyone show up here believing that they could survive it? Were you all so confident that you would not be bested, or did you decide it was worth the risk just to obtain a lightsaber?"

Niizo was a female individual who served the Sith in a time after the fall of the Jedi Order. Niizo posed as one of several masterless Jedi that were summoned to the Aerial Temple of Hy Izlan by Margrave Juro, who sought to provide lightsabers to the Jedi and restore the Jedi Order. Niizo and her companions were all killed after Juro revealed his identity and dueled the Sith acolytes alongside Lah Kara and the Jedi Ethan.[1]

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Behind the scenes[]

Niizo appeared in "The Ninth Jedi," a 2021 Star Wars: Visions short film. She was voiced by Rina Sato in Japanese and Eva Kaminsky in English.[1]



Notes and references[]
