

"It was Krall who won the Battle of Wasted Years. Who tamed the Nightmare Conjunction."
―Jedi Initiate Sifo-Dyas — (audio) Listen (file info)[1]

The Nightmare Conjunction was tamed by the Sith Lord Darth Krall, according to the holojournal of Klias Teradine, a former Jedi Padawan in the High Republic Era. Ancient records dating back to the days of the Nightmare Conjunction that featured a mention of the Mulita system were accessed by Jedi Master Estala Maru during the High Republic Era in 231 BBY. In 88 BBY, the Jedi Initiate Sifo-Dyas discovered Teradine's journal and told his friend, Initiate Dooku, of its contents, including the Nightmare Conjunction.


"I'm accessing the primary archive on Coruscant. There is no planet known as Mulita within the Republic. However, there is mention of a system in ancient records dating back to the days of the Nightmare Conjunction."
―Estala Maru[2]

The Nightmare Conjunction was said to have been tamed by the Sith Lord Darth Krall (pictured).

The Nightmare Conjunction[3] was said to have been tamed by Darth Krall, a former Jedi Master who fell to the dark side of the Force and became a Sith Lord. The story of Krall taming the Nightmare Conjunction was included in the holojournal of Klias Teradine, a Jedi Padawan during the High Republic Era[1] who was killed[4] in 241 BBY[5] by fellow Padawan Tylera Yorrick after[4] he[1] had become possessed by a vitalicron,[6] though he was later theorized by many Jedi to have been expelled from the Jedi Order.[1] By 231 BBY,[7] ancient records that dated back to the days of the Nightmare Conjunction included a mention of a star system named Mulita.[2]

In 231 BBY,[7] while searching for the name Mulita,[2] Jedi Master[8] Estala Maru accessed the primary archive on[2] the planet[1] Coruscant, noting that a mention of the system dated back to the days of the Nightmare Conjunction.[2] In 88 BBY,[9] Jedi Initiate Sifo-Dyas discovered Teradine's holojournal, learning about Krall's taming of the Nightmare Conjunction. Sifo-Dyas mentioned his discovery to fellow Initiate Dooku, who later told his sister Jenza about the events in a holo-letter.[1] Around 23 BBY,[10] Dooku gave data disks containing his messages to Jenza to his recently recruited Sith assassin, Asajj Ventress, for her investigation into his sister's location, and she listened to the message that mentioned the Nightmare Conjunction.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The Nightmare Conjunction was first mentioned in the audio drama Dooku: Jedi Lost, written by Cavan Scott[1] and published on April 30, 2019.[11] The spelling of its name was later confirmed with the release of the script[3] on October 1 of the same year.[11]


Notes and references[]
