


"Well, I'm sure what happened on your expedition to Orvax won't happen here! I also overheard that Jedi Neverez only bruised his tailbone and the rest are going to make a full recovery."
―Enya Keen, to Gella Nattai[1]

Neverez was a Jedi who lived during the High Republic Era. Led by Jedi Knight Gella Nattai, he joined an expedition to the planet Orvax as part of a Republic Pathfinder team. However, when the endeavor ended in an accident—in which Neverez bruised his tailbone—he and the rest of the Jedi reported back to the Jedi High Council. Afterward, Nattai was sent on an aid mission to the planet Eiram, often taking time to feel guilty for failing the crew of her Orvax team.


"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Talk about what?"
"Your mission with the Republic Pathfinder team. On Orvax."
"Didn't you overhear everything from Master Roy already?"
―Enya Keen and Gella Nattai, about the Pathfinder mission Neverez participated in[1]

Neverez served on Gella Nattai's Pathfinder team.

The Force-sensitive Neverez was a Jedi who served the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era. At some point, he joined a Republic Pathfinder team led by the Jedi Knight Gella Nattai on an expedition to the Outer Rim planet Orvax, hoping to contact the world's sentient species. However, the team's equipment began vanishing three days into their endeavor. When Nattai insisted on moving forward with the mission's objective to contact Orvax's natives, the rest of the Jedi Knight's team were eventually injured in an accident, with Neverez bruising his tailbone.[1]

The Pathfinders, including Neverez, retreated from the failed expedition and reported to the Jedi High Council. At some point, the Jedi Masters Char-Ryl-Roy and Creighton Sun learned about the incident and conversed about it, which the former's Padawan, Enya Keen, overheard. Two weeks afterward,[1] in 382 BBY,[2] the Council sent Nattai on an aid mission to the Outer Rim planet Eiram aboard the Alif-class Longbeam Valiant with Roy, Sun, and Keen. En route to Eiram, Keen mentioned Neverez's bruised tailbone when talking about the injured Pathfinders from Nattai's crew, noting that she had overheard what happened from Roy. For some time afterward, Nattai reflected on her mistakes with the Orvax team, often feeling guilt as she remembered their screams.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Neverez was mentioned in Convergence, a 2022 novel written by Zoraida Córdova as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase II.[1]


Notes and references[]
