


"My name is Mindoku."
―Mindoku, introducing himself to Moona and Piralli[1]

Mindoku was a human male who lived on the moon Jedha during the High Republic Era. He was a disciple of the Brotherhood of the Ninth Door, a Force cult affiliated with the dark side of the Force. In 382 BBY, Mindoku was present when the tapbar Enlightenment was getting robbed by a gang. He came up with a plan to defend the tapbar and encouraged the patrons Piralli and Moona, who had previously mistrusted him for being a Brother of the Ninth Door, to help him.

While Piralli and Moona rolled an open barrel of Coruscant ale across Enlightenment, spilling the liquid on the floor, Mindoku used the Force to disguise himself as one of the thieves. As soon as enough ale had run out, Mindoku used his electrostaff to electrify the puddle and defeat the gang. The tapbar's owner, Kradon Minst, thanked the Force-sensitive Brother of the Ninth Door and offered him a free drink, which Mindoku declined.


A dark sider in Enlightenment[]

"What is it?"
"It's him. He's giving off a bad vibe."
―Moona and Piralli, about Mindoku[1]

The Twinkle Sisters (pictured) confiscated Mindoku's weapon.

During the High Republic Era, Mindoku lived on[1] the moon[2] Jedha.[1] By 382 BBY,[3] he had learned to use the Force.[1] That year, shortly before the Battle of Jedha,[4] Mindoku visited the tapbar Enlightenment[1] in Jedha's Holy City.[2] At the entrance, the Gloovan sisters Camille and Delphine confiscated Mindoku's electrostaff before they let him in. After sitting in an alcove, the Sullustan dock worker Piralli spotted Mindoku sitting alone drinking hot chea. When the Twi'lek Moona asked Piralli what he was thinking about, Piralli told her that the dark-robed Mindoku gave him a bad feeling. From Mindoku's clothes, Moona could identify Mindoku as a Brother of the Ninth Door, a member of a small Force-cult on Jedha. When Piralli recalled that the Brotherhood was affiliated with the dark side of the Force, Moona was unbothered, considering the dark and the light side of the Force as two sides of the same coin.[1]


Mindoku visited the tapbar Enlightenment.

Shortly after, a Rodian, two humans, a Frozian, an Iktotchi, and a Klatooinian entered the tapbar. The Klatooinian gangster revealed that they had been sent by their leader Tellion because Kradon Minst, the owner of Enlightenment, had upset Tellion. While the gang robbed the patrons, Mindoku moved from his seat across the room toward an access door and motioned for Piralli and Moona to follow him, with Piralli following Moona when he saw her going after him. When they reached the door, Mindoku pushed Piralli inside the storage room and shut the door.[1]

After Mindoku introduced himself, Moona thanked him, thinking he had shown her and Piralli a hiding place. Confused, Mindoku indicated that he had not pulled them over to hide or to protect them for money—instead, he wanted their help to stop the gangsters before anyone got hurt. Piralli did not understand why a dark sider would care, while Moona asked Mindoku why he needed their help, inquiring whether he had a lightsaber. The Brother of the Ninth Door explained that he was not a lightsaber-wielding Jedi, and the Twinkle Sisters confiscated his only weapon, an electrostaff. After considering and realizing that helping Mindoku was their best call, Piralli offered his and Moona's help and asked what they could do, to which Mindoku replied that his plan needed a barrel of Coruscant ale.[1]

A plan to free Enlightenment[]

"If it helps, just assume that I had my reasons and was getting something out of it all too."
"But you weren't, were you? You weren't getting anything out of it. You just wanted to help."
―Mindoku and Piralli[1]
Kradon Minst

Kradon Minst (pictured) offered Mindoku a free drink.

Following Mindoku's plan, Moona and Piralli rolled the barrel of ale across Enlightenment toward the bar, as the drink slowly ran out of the open container. While Moona and Piralli pretended to be ignorant about the situation, Mindoku used his Force ability to disguise himself as a member of the gang that was robbing the tapbar. Mindoku, who appeared to be wearing the same waistcoat as the other gang members, walked carefreely around the bar toward the door. As he was about to leave the tapbar, Mindoku turned left and grabbed the electrostaff that had been propped up by the doorframe. As he dropped his disguise, he activated the electrostaff and plunged it into the puddle of spilled ale in which the gang members were standing. The puddle lit up in a bright light, leaving the thieves unconscious on the floor.[1]

The customers cheered for Mindoku, and Kradon Minst offered the Brother of the Ninth Door a free drink, which he declined. Piralli approached Mindoku and asked him how he could disguise himself during the fight. Mindoku explained that this was how his relationship with the Force worked, which made Piralli question why he did not just walk out and leave the fight. When the Brother of the Ninth Door told Piralli that he was not the kind of person who lets others suffer, the Sullustan was confused, as he thought that disciples of the Brotherhood of the Ninth Door did not act selflessly as Mindoku did. Mindoku then left the tapbar, telling Piralli that he could assume the Force-user had selfish reasons for helping.[1]

Personality and traits[]

"What kind of person would leave others to suffer when they knew they could help?"
"But such notions don't fit with your preconceptions of people like me, do they? With people whose beliefs you don't understand."
"No. And I'm sorry."
―Piralli and Mindoku[1]

Mindoku was a Brother of the Ninth Door. The Brotherhood had a reputation as a dark side religion, leading people to mistrust members like Mindoku.[1] Unlike Mytion or Inoke, Brothers of the Ninth Door who helped orchestrate the Battle of Jedha,[2] Mindoku had no interest in harming innocents. When raiders stormed Enlightenment, he helped defend the tapbar without asking for anything in return. When asked why he had, Mindoku answered that he was not the kind of person who would leave others to suffer.[1]

Mindoku was a tall and wiry human man with piercing blue eyes and a sallow, gaunt face.[1] Similar to disciples of the Brotherhood of the Ninth Door like Mytion,[2] Mindoku had a strange warbling voice that sounded like three different voices were simultaneously speaking the same words, just a fraction out of sync.[1]

Powers and abilities[]

"What you did… You became someone else."
"That's how my relationship with the Force works. When people look at me, they see what they want to see. Or sometimes, what I want them to see."
―Piralli and Mindoku[1]

Like other members of the Brotherhood of the Ninth Door,[2] Mindoku was Force-sensitive and able to use the Force to appear to others as whoever they wanted him to be or as whatever he wanted them to see him as.[1]


"Don't you have one of those laser swords, or something?"
"As your friend is clearly so keen to remind me, I am no Jedi. And my electrostaff was confiscated by your two Gloovan friends at the door. But perhaps I can get it back, with your help."
―Moona and Mindoku[1]

Mindoku owned an electrostaff that he used to defeat the gang members that tried to rob Enlightenment. As a Brother of the Ninth Door, he wore clothing that identified him as such, including a dark robe.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Mindoku appeared in the short story "Tales of Enlightenment: The Unusual Suspect," written by George Mann, first published in Star Wars Insider 216 as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic[1] multimedia project's Phase II[5] on February 7, 2023.[6]


Notes and references[]
