


"Remember, the Imperial fuel depot is our primary target."
―Hera Syndulla, to the pilots of Phoenix Squadron[2]

The Lothal City fuel depot,[3] also known simply as the Lothal fuel depot,[4] was a fueling facility located in Capital City on the planet Lothal. During the Lothal campaign, the facility was the primary target of the Rebel Alliance's Phoenix Squadron when they attacked Lothal. After the battle, the fuel depot was unscathed, and the entire squadron was shot down, leading to the capture of rebel leader Hera Syndulla.[2] When Kanan Jarrus mounted a mission to rescue Syndulla, he freed her and fled to the fuel depot to rendezvous with the rebels and escape. However, the facility was destroyed by the Empire on the orders of Governor Arihnda Pryce, who saw the prospect of killing the Jedi Knight too good to pass up. Although Jarrus perished, he successfully rescued Syndulla.[1] Following the destruction of the depot, Grand Admiral Thrawn informed Pryce of his irritation about its destruction and consequences for his TIE Defender project, saying that she acted irresponsibly and that he would deal with her when he arrived on Lothal from Coruscant.[5]

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