


The anglicization in this article's title is conjectural.

This article's title was anglicized based on canonical information; its capitalization and spelling is pure conjecture.

"The Vermilion Birds are looking for you."
"I told them to switch their code name, those bald, obese, middle-aged bandits, cluelessly calling themselves Vermilion Birds, but my judgement cannot accommodate them."
"Those bald, obese, middle-aged bandits are looking for you."
"Forget it. Keep to Vermilion Bird, I'll tolerate it."
―White and Li Yu, who is contacted by a group of pirates[2]

Li Yu was a human who led the Knights of Silver Dawn. Served by a droid assistant named White, Li was a native of the largely independent Aakaash system of the Oplovis sector who was motivated by financial profit. Li possessed a battleship in the star system[2] around 200 BBY[3] which he used to rescue Sean, secretly a Jedi Padawan. At the time, Li was in his thirties.[2]

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Behind the scenes[]

Li Yu appears in the Chinese webnovel The Vow of Silver Dawn as 李钰.[2]


Notes and references[]

  1. Star Wars: Timelines dates The Vow of Silver Dawn to 200 BBY. As the novel places Li Yu at around thirty years of age, it can be found that Li was born around 230 BBY.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 The Vow of Silver Dawn
  3. Star Wars: Timelines dates The Vow of Silver Dawn to 200 BBY.