


"Wooow. This is incredible! Even the Shadow University doesn't have this large of a collection of ancient Lengilese artifacts."
―Chelli Lona Aphra, on Ronen Tagge's collection of Lengilese artifacts[2]

The Lengilese civilization was lost by 3 ABY according to the rogue archaeologist Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra. Artifacts of the civilization were kept in collections by the Outer Rim–based Shadow University and the House of Tagge's Ronen Tagge in his penthouse on the Outer Rim planet Cantonica.

That year, Aphra disguised a number of detonite rings as a Lengilese life-fasting bracelet, one of which she used to trade for information about an artifact she sought with the crime boss Lady Proxima on the Core Worlds planet Corellia. Shortly after, the archaeologist's scheme was uncovered by the smuggler Sana Starros.


"A rare, priceless artifact…a jewel from a lost civilization…a Lengilese life-fasting bracelet."
"Hmph. I accept your token."
―Chelli Lona Aphra, offering a painted detonite ring to Proxima[3]

The Lengilese was a civilization. According to the rogue archaeologist Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra, one artifact of the Lengilese was a jewel known as the life-fasting bracelet.[3]


An archaeologist's dream[]

"I'm glad you're enjoying my gallery, Doctor Aphra."
―Ronen Tagge, to Chelli Lona Aphra[2]

Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra (top left) was amazed by the Lengilese collection Ronen Tagge (front right) had in his penthouse.

By 3 ABY,[1] the Lengilese civilization[3] was considered to be ancient by Doctor Aphra,[2] who also stated that[3] by that year[1] the civilization was lost.[3] The Shadow University, which was based in the Outer Rim Territories, had a collection of Lengilese artifacts. The House of Tagge scion Ronen Tagge also had a large collection of artifacts of the Lengilese, which he kept in a gallery within his private penthouse in Canto Bight[2]—the capital city of the Outer Rim planet Cantonica.[4]

After she and her crew were brought to Tagge's penthouse[3] in 3 ABY,[1] Aphra saw his collection of artifacts and was amazed by it, calling it "incredible" and adding that the collection was larger than that of the Shadow University. The archaeologist then asked Eustacia Okka—a professor at the university and a member of her crew—if she had seen Tagge's collection. Before Okka could respond, Tagge interrupted by stating he was glad the archaeologist was enjoying his gallery.[2]

Fooling Lady Proxima[]

"A priceless Lengilese life-fasting bracelet, huh? How long did it take you to paint those detonite rings?"
"What did you think I did last night?"
―Sana Starros, catching on that the life-fasting bracelet was not as Aphra claimed[3]

Later that year,[1] Aphra traveled to[3] the Core Worlds[4] planet Corellia to acquire information from[3] the crime boss[4] Lady Proxima about an artifact she had been hired to track down and steal for Lady Domina Tagge of the Tagge Corporation. While she spent the night outside the crash pad of the smuggler Sana Starros, the archaeologist painted a large number of detonite ring explosives she had to mimic a Lengilese life-fasting bracelet.[3]


Doctor Aphra (right) successfully acquired the information she needed from Lady Proxima (left) by offering her a detonite ring disguised as a Lengilese life-fasting bracelet.

When she was granted an audience with Proxima the next day, Aphra offered one of the rings to the crime boss as a token of her esteem in exchange for information, which the crime boss accepted, unaware of the ruse. A short while later, the archaeologist used one of the disguised rings to briefly incapacitate General Vukorah of the Unbroken Clan criminal syndicate to retrieve a datapad she had. When she saw the ring explode, Starros expressed her doubt to Aphra that it really was a bracelet like she had claimed. After she picked up the remains of the device, the smuggler immediately recognized it as a detonite ring and asked the archaeologist how long it had taken her to paint them.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

The Lengilese was created for the fifth issue of the 2020 comic series Star Wars: Doctor Aphra. The issue was written by Alyssa Wong and published by Marvel Comics[2] on October 28, 2020. Prior to the release of the comic, the Lengilese was mentioned in a preview article of the issue that was published on StarWars.com on October 21 of the same year.[5]



Notes and references[]
