


"General Viess. A Republic fleet has appeared in the atmosphere!"
"Say again, Krivlid? The Stormwall remains functioning?"
"Yes, General, the Stormwall beacons are fully functional."
"'Then where did these ships come from?"
"'We don’t know!
"Send the beacon. How many ships are—"
―Krivlid and Abediah Viess[1]

Krivlid was a Nihil pirate who served as part of General[1] Abediah Viess'[2] Ministry of Protection during the High Republic Era.[1] In 228 BBY,[3] a Galactic Republic fleet arrived in the atmosphere of[1] the Mid Rim[4] planet Naboo which was under Nihil occupation in the Occlusion Zone—the Nihil's region of space—and Krivlid contacted Viess' comlink to inform her of the fleet's appearance. In response, Viess told Krivlid to repeat themselves and asked if the Stormwall—a barrier that prevented hyperspace travel into the Occlusion Zone—was still operational, which Krivlid noted was the case.[1]

The general then questioned where the Republic ships had come from, and was informed by Krivlid that they did not know. As Viess ordered Krivlid to send the Stormwall's beacon so they could learn how many Republic ships there were, she was interrupted by the arrival of Jedi Master Porter Engle, and the two began dueling. Not long later, the Nihil forces were defeated and Naboo was liberated.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Krivlid's voice appeared in the 2024 novel The High Republic: Temptation of the Force, written by Tessa Gratton and published as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's[1] Phase III.[5]


Notes and references[]
