


"Bright suns, Mother Katlock."
"Don't bright suns me. Waking a body up at all hours of the night with your caterwauling. Who do you think you are, Gaya herself?"
―Julen Rakab and Katlock[1]

Mother Katlock was a Nautolan female native of the Outer Rim planet Batuu. By the time of the war between the First Order and the Resistance, she shared an apartment with her granddaughter Ksana and the child's parents. In 34 ABY, Ksana attempted to wake Katlock when their family ran out of green milk. When the elderly Nautolan remained asleep, the child visited her neighbor Julen Rakab's apartment to ask for some.


Julen Rakab: "Remind me why your gran can't get you milk, Kay?"
Ksana: "She's sleeping and won't get up."
Julen Rakab: "Maybe I should check and see if she's alive."
Katlock: "She is very much alive."
―Julen Rakab, Ksana, and Katlock[1]
Batuu revealed

Katlock lived on Batuu (pictured).

Mother Katlock was a Nautolan female native of the Outer Rim planet Batuu. During the farmer Julen Rakab's youth, he accidentally kicked a ball through the Nautolan's window. In response, she whacked his shoulder with her cane, causing a bruise to form.[1] In 30 ABY,[2] Katlock's granddaughter Ksana was born. Afterward, Katlock moved into an apartment with Ksana and her parents. By the time of the war between the First Order and the Resistance, Katlock and her family were neighbors with Rakab and his relatives.[1]

In 34 ABY,[2] Ksana attempted to wake Katlock when their family ran out of green milk. When Katlock remained asleep, Ksana visited Rakab's apartment and asked him for some milk. He gave the child a milk bottle, considering whether he should confirm Katlock was still alive. Shortly afterward, the older Nautolan followed her granddaughter into her neighbor's residence and grumpily complained that their ruckus woke her up. Rakab instinctively rubbed his shoulder, remembering the bruises she had given him years ago. Katlock waved off the farmer's greeting, annoyed at the pair for lacking musical knowledge. She escorted Ksana back to their apartment, leaving Rakab behind.[1]

Personality and traits[]

Julen Rakab and Ksana: "Who's Gaya?"
Katlock: "One of the biggest stars in the galaxy!"
―Julen Rakab, Ksana, and Katlock[1]

Katlock was a confident and sassy woman who readily whacked children with her cane if they annoyed her. Despite her outer gruffness, she was civil with some individuals, including Julen Rakab. She enjoyed listening to the singer Gaya's music and felt aggravated when Rakab and Ksana did not recognize the singer's name. Katlock had purple skin and a shrill voice. By the time of the First Order–Resistance war, she had an elderly appearance, and her long tentacles were speckled with sun spots after many years living on Batuu.[1]


The Nautolan owned a cane, which she used to hit those who annoyed her.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Katlock appeared in A Crash of Fate, a 2019 young-adult novel written by Zoraida Córdova.[1]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 A Crash of Fate
  2. 2.0 2.1 Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of A Crash of Fate to 34 ABY. Ksana is four years old in A Crash of Fate, thus placing her birth in 30 ABY.