


"They're everywhere! I can't—"
―Tubbs's final words[2]

Jaycris Tubbs[3] was a human male who served as a pilot in the Resistance during the evacuation of D'Qar. During the opening stages of the battle, he was one of the first Resistance pilots to be shot down, when his T-70 X-wing starfighter was hit by TIE/fo space superiority fighter fire.[2] Prior to his death, Tubbs had always been keen to mentor new fighter jocks.[4] Tubbs had at least three children.[3]



Tubbs' flight helmet

As a pilot of a T-70 X-wing starfighter.[2] Jaycris Tubbs wore an interstellar-orange flight suit that had a utility belt, emergency oxygen tube, and an equipment pocket. The suit was further covered in a white flight vest and was accompanied by a gray Guidenhauser flight harness, a white FreiTek life support unit, and black gloves and boots. He also wore a red flight helmet that bore a yellow Rebel Alliance starbird and had the names of his children stencilled on it in Aurebesh, that translated to 'Phi', 'Ted' and 'Stella'.[3]

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Behind the scenes[]

"That's Jamie Christopher right there, who just got blown up. That's our First AD."
―Director Rian Johnson, in the audio commentary for Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi[5]

Jaycris Tubbs was portrayed by first assistant director Jamie Christopher in Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi in a cameo role.[6]



Notes and references[]
