


"I'm old enough to remember when the Republic shot itself right in the knee. It wasn't taken over by the Empire. It became the Empire slowly, surely, not overnight but over years and decades. Fruit always tastes nice when it's ripe. But it can't stay like that. Every nice piece of fruit will rot on the branch if it hangs there long enough. You remember that."
―Glen Taffral, to his sons — (audio) Listen (file info)[1]

Glen Taffral was a male farmer who lived on the planet Saleucami. He and a woman were the parents to the Rebel Alliance member Dav Taffral and the Imperial Academy dropout Webb Taffral. During a family dinner in their Saleucami residence in 4 ABY, Glen stopped an argument between the pair and advised them to choose family over their loyalty to ever-changing governments. However, when Webb revealed he had already betrayed Dav's location to Imperial forces, the father stunned the former with a blaster and aided his other son's escape.


"You believe in what you're doing, Dav?"
"Fine. Good enough for me. I hope you're right. Best run now. Go out the back window. Take the speeder bike in the barn."
―Glen Taffral and Dav Taffral — (audio) Listen (file info)[1]

Glen Taffral approved of Cut Lawquane's decision to stop fighting and raise a family on Saleucami instead.

The man Glen Taffral lived during the Republic Era. After some time of thinking he would not find a life partner, he eventually met a woman to settle down with. The farmer fathered two sons with her—first Webb Taffral and later his younger brother Dav Taffral. At some point, the mother died, and Glen grieved her passing deeply. He eventually learned of how[1] the former clone trooper Cut Lawquane[2] had settled on Saleucami to raise a family after fighting in the Clone Wars, approving of the man's decision to leave the conflict and settle down. By the Imperial Era, he lived in a house on the planet Saleucami and farmed for a living. While Glen chose to remain on Saleucami, his sons took opposing paths—with Dav joining the Alliance to Restore the Republic to fight the Galactic Empire, while Webb enlisted in an Imperial Academy.[1]

By 4 ABY,[3] Webb had been kicked out of the Imperial Academy and returned to Saleucami to live with Glen.[1] That year,[3] Dav—now working with the newly established New Republic—returned home for a family dinner. Glen seated himself at the head of the table as they dined, none of them choosing to speak. However, when Dav asked for a food dish to be passed to him, the two brothers began to argue over their opposing political ideologies as their father stared in silence. As the pair started throwing punches, Glen took a bowl of greens from the table and threw it at the wall to catch their attention.[1]


Glen Taffral held a family dinner on Saleucami.

Glen ordered them to sit and began expounding on their family's history, including the mother's death and his life experiences as an old man. When Webb attempted to mock his father, he threatened to beat him, making the former apologize. Glen then explained that, ultimately, the side they should pick is family because governments would not be permanent. TIE fighters arrived over the Taffral home shortly afterward, interrupting their conversation. When Webb reluctantly told Glen and Dav that he had given up his brother's whereabouts to Imperial forces, his father quickly stunned him with a blaster. After Dav confirmed his belief in his ideals, Glen instructed the rebel to sneak out the back window and use the speeder bike stored in the homestead's barn to flee. Though Dav inquired what he would do, Glen replied that he would mislead the Imperials and lie that Dav had shot him. The older man then stunned himself, and the rebel quickly fled as Imperials broke down the home's door.[1]

Personality and traits[]

"Shut up. Both of you! You two are in dire need of a lesson. I'm an old man. Had the two of you later than I would've liked. Figured myself a single man, a simple farmer, until your mother came along—may all the stars welcome her soul. So I've seen a thing or two."
"I had to crawl to the academy house on my hands and knees through mud and briar and fell-bears ate off both my legs—"
"Boy, you best clip that line of blabber unless you want me to tan your hide with a dry popper-stalk."
―Glen and Webb Taffral — (audio) Listen (file info)[1]

Considering himself a simple farmer, Glen Taffral held no preference between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance and thought governments would come and go either way. The farmer also felt that the New Republic could eventually become corrupt like the old Galactic Republic and disagreed with Dav's revolutionary ideals. He cared deeply for his family and mourned the death of his sons' mother when she died, having been glad to meet someone to have a family with. When Dav and Webb fought at their family's dinner, Glen made the pair listen to him so he could impart wisdom gained from his long life and did not tolerate the latter mocking him.[1] By 4 ABY[3] the farmer possessed an aged appearance.[1]


Glen Taffral owned a home and an accompanying barn, the latter structure of which housed a speeder bike. He also had a blaster, which Dav took with him after the farmer shot himself to aid his son's escape.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Glen Taffral appeared in Aftermath, a 2015 novel written by Chuck Wendig as the first installment in Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy.[1]


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