


"What happened?"
"Nobody saw us!"
"Just tell me. Quickly."
―Qi'ra and Fixit, upon the latter's return to the White Worms' den[1]

Fixit was a human male scrumrat of the White Worms gang on the Core Worlds planet Corellia. Around 13 BBY, he and the fellow human scrumrat Broon prepared to help raid a Corellia shipyard by taking watch shifts to monitor the facility, often taking turns with the Rodian scrumrat Oggro.

One time, when Imperial stormtroopers began scanning the area around the shipyard, Fixit and Broon fled back to the den of the White Worms instead of waiting for Oggro to take their place. The pair told the older scrumrat Qi'ra of the situation. After promising to pass on the information, she dismissed them for dinner.


"We were at our watching post. It was getting dark, so we were waiting for Oggro to come. He can see better in the dark, so he's been taking the night shifts."
"All of a sudden, about a thousand Imperial stormtroopers march out of one of the hangars. They all had blasters and who knows what else. They were pointing scanners all over the place, and we didn't want to get pinched, so we ran back here. No one saw us, though. We left before they scanned where we were hiding."
―Broon and Fixit, to Qi'ra[1]

The human male Fixit lived on[1] the Core Worlds[2] planet Corellia during the Imperial Era. He eventually joined the White Worms criminal gang as a scrumrat thief and resided in the organization's den in Coronet City under the management of the Head scrumrat Ema, alongside several other orphans.[1] Around 13 BBY,[3] the White Worms prepared to raid a Corellia shipyard to steal control boards under the orders of Lady Proxima, their leader, who hoped to use the endeavor to purge the older scrumrats from her ranks. As one of the younger scrumrats in the group, Fixit and fellow human scrumrat Broon began taking shifts at a watching post to monitor the shipyard during the day, while the Rodian scrumrat Oggro would come to relieve the boys and take the night shift.[1]


After discovering stormtroopers at the shipyard, Fixit informed Qi'ra of what he had seen.

While waiting for the Rodian to take their place one day, however, he and his partner were startled by a large group of Imperial stormtroopers scanning the nearby area as they marched out of the facility. Fixit and Broon fled the scene and returned to the White Worms' den to inform someone of the information. Fixit explained the pair's situation to the older scrumrat Qi'ra, defensively noting that they had not been spotted, having left before their hiding place was scanned. Qi'ra confirmed with the boys that they had not yet told anyone—including Oggro—she thanked them and sent them to acquire dinner. When she offered to pass the news on to their leader, Fixit expressed his appreciation that Proxima had not killed Qi'ra after she attempted to flee the White Worms a few weeks prior.[1]

Though she then reported Fixit and Broon's discovery, Proxima berated her for questioning her and dismissed the scouts' claims. Afterward, Qi'ra discussed Fixit when conversing about the upcoming raid, with fellow scrumrat Jagleo mentioning that the boy had told others about the Imperials at the shipyard. The White Worms executed the endeavor not long afterward, ultimately resulting in heavy scrumrat losses. Later, Qi'ra informed Sarkin Enneb—an enslaver who had purchased her—about Fixit and Broon's warning of Imperials at the shipyard, indicating that Proxima had ignored the information.[1]

Personality and traits[]

"I'll pass along the news."
"Thanks, Qi'ra. I'm really glad Lady Proxima didn't just kill you."
―Qi'ra and Fixit[1]

By the time of the shipyard raid, Fixit had a young appearance. Qi'ra mentally commended him for reporting the Imperial presence despite having to leave his post to do so, thinking that not all scrumrats would have made that decision. Fixit was appreciative of Qi'ra and happy Proxima did not end her life.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Fixit appeared in Crimson Climb, a 2023 young-adult novel written by E. K. Johnston.[1]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 Crimson Climb
  2. Star Wars Galaxy Map
  3. The chapter of Crimson Climb in which Fixit appears takes place a few weeks after Han escaped Corellia. As Star Wars: Timelines dates his escape to 13 BBY, the chapter's events must have taken place around that year.