

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

Eopies were quadruped mammalian herbivores native to the planet Tatooine. These tough creatures were adapted to their homeworld's endless deserts, and as a result were domesticated by the planet's inhabitants. They often worked as transports or beast of burden, though they were often bad-tempered and stubborn, and could break wind if their load was too heavy

Biology and appearance[]

Eopies were a species of quadrupedal mammallian herbivores[2] native to the planet Tatooine. These tough creatures were averaged at the height of 1.75 meters and were acclimated to their homeworld's endless deserts, and as a result were domesticated by the planet's inhabitants.[3] The eopie's rough skin helped to protect it against the heat of the twin suns of its homeworld while its hooves were adapted to climbing rocky cliffs.[7]

The eopie's trunked mouth was capable of secreting an adhesive spit that stuck to its skin. Eopies would layer this spit over their eyes as a means of protection during sandstorms.[7] Though herbivorous by nature, they, much like banthas, were able to consume meat with no ill effects, as shown when Obi-Wan Kenobi's personal eopie Akkani happily munched at the scraps of meat he fed her on a daily basis during his exile on Tatooine.[8]


Eopies were known for being tough and were protective of their young. Young eopies would travel in their parent's shadow as a way to keep cool. During sandstorms, the parent Eopie would personally apply a layer of protective spit over the young's head.[7] Eopies were observed to exhibit flatulence.[1] As such, when riding a caravan of eopies, it was recommended to always ride on the foremost animal.[9]

Eopies in the galaxy[]

On Tatooine, Eopies often worked as transports or beast of burden, though they were often bad-tempered and stubborn, and could break wind if their load was too heavy.[3][4] Eopies were also found on the planet Saleucami,[5] and the desert moon Zardossa Stix,[10] as well as in the forests and jungles near the Black Spire Ruins of Batuu.[11]

On some planets, eopie was served as a delicacy. Power Sliders, a small diner located in a small settlement on the remote world of Abafar, had eopie stew on its menu.[12]

Behind the scenes[]

Originally, the role of the eopie was to be filled by the kaadu of Naboo.[13] However, due to the evolving story of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, which called for the Gungans to be beast-riding soldiers, the kaadu was transported to Naboo,[14] leading to the creation of the eopie. An early production painting by Doug Chiang of the kaadu hauling a podracer engine on Tatooine was retouched in Adobe Photoshop to create the eopie.[13]


Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]
