


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"I personally engaged with them on Selvernis. Before the Stormwall. There wasn't blight there then, at least not noticeably."
―Avar Kriss, on the Drengir[1]

Between 232 BBY and 231 BBY,[2] Jedi Master Avar Kriss of the Jedi Order engaged the Drengirsentient carnivorous plants who used the dark side of the Force—on the planet Selvernis. The engagement was part of the Jedi Order's response to the Drengir threat, after the dark side users had been seeded across the galaxy by the Nihil pirates to distract the Jedi.[1]

In 228 BBY,[3] when Cair San Tekka, a member of the San Tekka clan, presented Kriss with several potential terminus points for the plague known as the blight on a map, she noticed that Selvernis was one such point. The Jedi Master then realized a connection: she had personally fought the Drengir on Selvernis before the blight's appearance, recalling the battle and suggested that the planet could be significant in understanding the blight's origins and spread.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The engagement on Selvernis was mentioned in the 2024 novel The High Republic: Temptation of the Force, written by Tessa Gratton and published as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's[1] Phase III.[4]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 The High Republic: Temptation of the Force
  2. 2.0 2.1 The High Republic: Temptation of the Force esablishes that the engagement on Selvernis took place during the Drengir threat, which Star Wars: Timelines dates as taking place from 232 BBY to 231 BBY.
  3. Star Wars: Timelines dates Starlight Beacon's destruction to 230 BBY. The implementation of the Guardian Protocols, which Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia places in 229 BBY, took place one week after Starlight Beacon's fall according to The High Republic: Shadows of Starlight 1. As The High Republic: Temptation of the Force takes place one year and six weeks after the destruction of Starlight Beacon and its events span a few months, its events must be set in 228 BBY.
  4. StarWars Star Wars: The High Republic Chronological Reader's Guide on StarWars.com (article) (backup link)
Drengir crisis
Galactic timeline


Concurrent: Nihil conflict · Valo Republic Fair


Events of the Drengir Crisis
232 BBY Amaxine station · Sedri Minor · Starlight Beacon · Nal Hutta (I)
231 BBY Daivak · Nal Hutta (II) · SafrifaValo · Banchii · Mulita
Other BatuuGalidraan · Selvernis
Related topics and articles
Drengir · Galactic Republic · Jedi Order · Nihil