


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

During the High Republic Era, members of the Jedi Order undertook a mission to the planet Sedri Minor. The Jedi had recently discovered the wreckage of a Hutt Clan starship attacked by the Nihil in the Kazlin system, which had been carrying a load of Vratixian barley that originated there. Jedi Master Sskeer was dispatched to investigate, accompanied by Ceret, but the Kotabi Jedi went missing after venturing into a field, which was only noticed by Terec, Ceret's bond-twin.[2]

Subsequently, Marshal Avar Kriss and Jedi Knight Keeve Trennis ventured to Sedri Minor themselves, landing their ship near a local town. However, the Jedi encountered and were forced to fight the Drengir, dangerous sentient plants.[7] After a brief negotiation with Myarga Anjiliac Atirue, who had arrived to claim the planet for the Hutt Cartel, Sskeer attacked the Hutt, causing her to send her soldiers to attack the village. Desperate to defend the people of the town, Terec attempted to stop a rancor from killing many civilians but was pinned under the rancor’s foot.[6]

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Notes and references[]

Drengir crisis
Galactic timeline


Concurrent: Nihil conflict · Valo Republic Fair


Events of the Drengir Crisis
232 BBY Amaxine station · Sedri Minor · Starlight Beacon · Nal Hutta (I)
231 BBY Daivak · Nal Hutta (II) · SafrifaValo · Banchii · Mulita
Other BatuuGalidraan · Selvernis
Related topics and articles
Drengir · Galactic Republic · Jedi Order · Nihil
