


"Man, this reminds me of the one time Coromont got bitten by a feral ekkhound. Right on the butt, too. Tore it open, and guess who had to suture that ugly thing closed? If you guessed me, you got it!"
―Zyle Keem, to their crew[1]

Ekkhounds were a type of hound. At some point during his time with the pirate Tanana Keem's crew, the pirate Coromont Vizzle was bitten by one of the hounds and the feral creature's bite injured his backside. Tanana's child—the aspiring pirate Zyle Keem—helped stitch Vizzle up after the incident despite their aversion to the messy situation. While raiding the research vessel Innovator[1] in 229 BBY,[2] Zyle told their Jedi colleagues—the Scarlet Skulls crew—about Vizzle's encounter with an ekkhound while trying to distract the group from their injuries and perilous situation.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Ekkhounds were mentioned in Escape from Valo, a 2024 junior novel written by Daniel José Older and Alyssa Wong as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's[1] Phase III.[3]


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