

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 
This article is about the species of the Drada system. You may be looking for the species native to Sesid.

"Dradan, Dradan."
―Dreambeast Dradan, upon meeting Rebel Alliance operatives on Trinta[5]

The Dradan were a species of peaceful sentients native to a planet in the Drada system of the Outer Rim Territories. After the Galactic Empire was formed in 19 BBY and began to hunt and kill the Jedi Knights, the Dradan offered their homeworld as a refuge to Jedi fugitives. The Empire discovered the Dradan's treachery by 1 BBY and retaliated with genocide of the species and despoliation of their homeworld.

When the fallen Jedi Halagad Ventor fled torture at the hands of the Empire and took up a hermit's existence on the planet Trinta, he tapped into the world's natural dark side Force nexus to create illusions known as dreambeasts to chase away anyone who visited the swampy planet. Among the apparitions he used for those purposes were Dradan, whom Ventor presented as thin humanoids with red eyes and simple technology. When a group of Rebel Alliance operatives landed on Trinta, Ventor sent his spectral Dradan to lure them into eating poisonous food. However, Ventor's control over the illusions was incomplete, and the Rebels rejected the false Dradan's offering. Upon his failure, Ventor dissipated the phantasms.

Biology and appearance[]

The Dradan were a sentient species. In an illusion created to misdirect outsiders who visited the planet Trinta, the Dark Jedi Halagad Ventor presented them as tall humanoids with thin frames[1] and five-fingered hands.[6] Each of Ventor's illusions had large eyes that glowed red;[1] a wide mouth; a flat, broad nose; two Human-like ears; and a head of long hair.[6] As long as he concentrated on his illusion, Ventor's Dradan had calm and peaceable expressions.[1] However, when his attention was distracted, the illusory humanoids instead exhibited menacing grimaces; savage-looking eyes; prominent, sharp teeth; and long claws.[7]

Society and culture[]

"S'jak, S'jak!"
―Dreamscape Dradan, attempting to convince Rebel operatives to follow them[1]

The Dradan were a peaceful people. In the apparitions presented by Halagad Ventor, they dressed in plain, white robes[1] and carried simple, wooden implements. They cooked meat over a fire and served it on wooden plates, accompanied by fruit and vegetables.[4] Ventor's Dradan spoke a simple language and used mime and gesture to communicate with those who did not understand them. The illusory Dradan were skittish and fled at any sign of hostility.[1]


The Dradan species hailed from a world[1] in the Drada system,[2][3] a star system that became integrated into the greater galaxy at some point between 3000 and 1000 BBY.[8] The world eventually fell within the bounds of the Halthor sector[2] in the New Territories region of the Outer Rim Territories.[9] From 1004 to 1000 BBY, as the New Sith Wars raged, the system fell within unaligned or contested space.[10] By 19 BBY, during the Clone Wars, the system was within space allied to the Galactic Republic.[11]

As the Republic gave way to a successor state, the Galactic Empire, in 19 BBY, Emperor Palpatine declared Order 66—a command that resulted in the systematic assassination of the Jedi Knights and led to the Great Jedi Purge, whereby all remaining Jedi were hunted down and killed.[12] In response, the Dradan offered their homeworld as a safe haven to Jedi fleeing persecution. However, when the Empire discovered the Dradan's pro-Jedi policy, they retaliated by exterminating the entire species and scorching their planet. Nothing but cinders remained[1] by 1 BBY.[13]

Dradan in the galaxy[]

At some point after the Clone Wars, a fallen Jedi Knight named Halagad Ventor fled to the planet Trinta to escape the notice of the Empire. The world had a strong dark side nexus, upon which Ventor drew to create powerful Force illusions known as dreambeasts. The phantasms reflected Ventor's fears and inner turmoil born of his experiences of torture at the hands of the Empire, and he used them to mask his presence on the world and to drive away intruders. Among his repertoire of illusions was a group of simple Dradan swamp dwellers.[14]

At some point between 2 and 1 BBY,[13] a group of Rebel Alliance operatives fled to Trinta, followed by their pursuers, a Taloron bounty hunter named Crutag and his crew.[14]

This section of the article assumes 100% game completion. Any alternate stories may be noted in the "Behind the scenes" section. The events in this section may or may not have been confirmed as canon within the Star Wars Legends continuity.

After his torture by the Empire, Halagad Ventor fled to Trinta, where he presented dreambeasts to scare off any intruders.

In an effort to draw the intruders away from their starship and harm them,[4] Ventor created illusions of about twenty-five Dradan and brought them from the swamps to introduce themselves to the Rebels. The Dradan dreambeasts gestured for the strangers to follow them and led them to a campsite.[1] Because Ventor directed the apparitions' actions from afar, his illusions were far from perfect;[15] for instance, his Dradan sometimes walked through trees and other solid objects. Similarly, Ventor concentrated on the appearance and actions of the Dradan within the Rebels' line of sight, so that those walking behind the offworlders grew translucent and fuzzy,[1] and their features eventually grew savage and evil-looking.[15]

Nevertheless, the Rebels followed Ventor's Dradan illusions to a campsite in a clearing, where a carcass lay over an open fire and fruit and vegetables awaited consumption.Unbeknownst to the Rebels, however, the food was also illusory and masked poisonous substances. As the Dradan figures beckoned the offworlders to eat, the phantoms' appearance shifted from friendly and welcoming to menacing and evil. The Rebels chose not to partake in the feast, and Ventor dissipated the incorporeal figures.[4]

Behind the scenes[]

The Dradan are mentioned Domain of Evil, an adventure written by Jim Bambra and published by West End Games in 1991 as part of their Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game line. The story takes place after the Dradan species has been wiped out by the Empire, so only Ventor's false Dradan make an appearance. The adventure fails to indicate whether Ventor's illusions reflect actual Dradan biology, culture, and society, or simply the fallen Jedi's fevered imagination. An illustration of the dreambeast Dradan, drawn by artist Allen Nunis, accompanies the adventure.[6] Author Eric S. Trautmann revised Domain of Evil for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition, as part of the 1995 sourcebook Classic Adventures: Volume Two. Trautmann's update retains most of Bambra's details about the species with one exception: a line spoken by Ventor's illusions as they beckon for the player characters to follow them into the forest changes from "Sajak, Sajak!"[16] to "S'jak, S'jak!"[1]

This article assumes that the player characters follow Ventor's Dradan illusions to their camp but reject the food the Dradan offer. However, the adventure also allows the characters to ignore the Dradan completely or attack the apparitions, in which case the figures dissipate.[1] Partaking of the food offered by the Dradan dreambeasts poisons and possibly kills any character who consumes it.[4]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 WEG icon2 "Domain of Evil" — Classic Adventures: Volume Two, p. 85.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 StarWars Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on StarWars.com (article) (backup link)
  3. 3.0 3.1 JCF-favicon The Essential Atlas and Galactic Cartography: Official Discussion on the Jedi Council Forums (Literature board; posted by jasonfry on December 11, 2007, 7:59am; accessed October 19, 2012): "I wouldn't get your hopes up re alien homeworlds, beyond simple stuff like the Planetnamian species getting a Planetnamia on the map or things Dan and I can account for with a relatively quick reference." (screenshot) Jason Fry, co-author of The Essential Atlas, stated his intention to create homeworlds for numerous species based on context implied from their names. The Drada system appears to be one such case.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 WEG icon2 "Domain of Evil" — Classic Adventures: Volume Two, p. 87.
  5. Domain of Evil
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 WEG icon2 "Domain of Evil" — Classic Adventures: Volume Two, p. 88.
  7. WEG icon2 "Domain of Evil" — Classic Adventures: Volume Two, pp. 86–87.
  8. The Essential Atlas, p. 120.
  9. The Essential Atlas, p. 36.
  10. The Essential Atlas, p. 133.
  11. The Essential Atlas, p. 151.
  12. The New Essential Chronology, pp. 84–86.
  13. 13.0 13.1 Based on the appearance of Rebel Alliance agents in Domain of Evil, the adventure must occur after the formation of the Alliance, which happened in 2 BBY, as established in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. In The Dark Forces Saga, Part 2, it is mentioned that Qu Rahn heard a report of the death of Halagad Ventor—who dies during the events of Domain of Evil—before he contacted Morgan Katarn. This implies that Ventor died before Morgan Katarn, whose own death occurred in 1 BBY, per Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire.
  14. 14.0 14.1 WEG icon2 "Domain of Evil" — Classic Adventures: Volume Two, p. 70.
  15. 15.0 15.1 WEG icon2 "Domain of Evil" — Classic Adventures: Volume Two, p. 86.
  16. WEG icon2 "Domain of Evil" — Classic Adventures: Volume Two, p. 20.