

For other uses, see Dizzy.

"Let's show 'em what we got!"

Dizzy was an Ugnaught adrenaline-junkie joyrider[1] active in the Hunters of the Outer Rim tournament at the Grand Arena on the planet Vespaara following the fall of the Galactic Empire.[4] Reveling in roadkill, Dizzy operated a modified droideka. The two went by the united persona of Slingshot.[1] Over the various fights in the tournament, Slingshot gained a rivalry with fellow competitors Utooni. The Jawa brothers targeted Dizzy's droideka, whom Dizzy perceived as family.[2]During one of his early fights, Dizzy accidentally ran over Sentinel's foot while on his team.[5]

When Dizzy first acquired his droideka partner, he was shunned by many people on his homeworld who thought him a fool for restoring a droideka. He enjoyed that his fellow Hunters on Vespaara never made him feel unwelcome. Dizzy often tinkered with his droideka. At one point, he worked on a podracer kit after a match in the Hunters of the Outer Rim competition.[5]

When goons attacked the Grand Arena intent on destroying it, Dizzy and his droideka fought against the invaders.[5]

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Behind the scenes[]


Slingshot's logo

Dizzy, paired with the droideka Slingshot, is one of the playable characters in[1] the 2022 competitive combat game Star Wars: Hunters, published by Zynga and Lucasfilm Games.[4]



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