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The DL-18 blaster pistol was a model of blaster pistol commonly used throughout the galaxy, particularly by bounty hunters and smugglers. The blaster, manufactured by BlasTech Industries, was inexpensive and allowed for easy customization; because of this, the blaster pistol became very popular in the Outer Rim. Former Jedi Padawan and Order 66 survivor Kanan Jarrus used a modified DL-18 with a dewback skin handle after the fall of the Jedi Order.[8]

The DL-18 blaster pistol featured a long barrel and over-concentrated beam that supplied extra firepower.[9]


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Kanan Jarrus wields his DL-18 and lightsaber together

In the years following the end of the Clone Wars, the DL-18 became widespread across the galaxy among its smugglers and bounty hunters.[1] The blaster was so popular among Tatooine's inhabitants, it became known as the "Mos Eisley special."[8]

During the time of the Galactic Empire, former Jedi Cere Junda possessed a DL-18 after abandoning her green-bladed lightsaber. She was able to use her blaster in conjunction with Trilla's Inquisitor lightsaber during her incursion on Nur.[3]

After surviving Order 66, former Jedi Padawan Caleb Dume[10]—who later renamed himself to Kanan Jarrus[11]—took a DL-18, despite it feeling wrong to carry it at first.[10] He preferred this model over other blaster pistols due to its low cost, how easy it was to repair, and its low profile. He brought a couple of modifications to the blaster during his time with it, such as wrapping the grip in dewback leather and modifying the triggers' sensitivity. In addition, Kanan let Sabine Wren increase the weapon's power output.[12] Jarrus once used the blaster alongside his lightsaber to fight the Grand Inquisitor.[13]

During the rescue of Han Solo, Luke Skywalker used the Force to grab Nizuc Bek's DL-18 blaster pistol and attempt to shoot Jabba Desilijic Tiure, but the Hutt activated a trapdoor to protect himself, dropping the Jedi and one of his own guards, Jubnuk, into the Rancor Pit. While fighting above a Sarlacc pit, Lando and a guard fought over a DL-18 before being knocked into the pit. Han used a DL-18 to shoot the creature's tentacle. Several of Jabba's goons like Wooof, used their DL-18s to fire at Skywalker, however, the Jedi deflected the shot rebounding the bolt back, killing them.[7]

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Kanan Jarrus's DL-18 blaster pistol


Notes and references[]
