

For other uses, see Cygnus and Anton.

"Who—who are you?"
"I am Chief Regional Auditor Cygnus Anton, and I have two demands."
―Carrax and Chief Regional Auditor Cygnus Anton[2]

Cygnus Anton was an avian who served the Galactic Empire as a Chief Regional Auditor and was associated with the Crimson Dawn criminal syndicate. Between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, Anton visited the planet Calior. A hologram of the avian that appeared to be Anton accompanied their forces—Imperial stormtroopers and Crimson Dawn guards—on the ground while the Chief Regional Auditor stayed aboard one of their All Terrain Scout Transport "AT-STs." The avian demanded that the people of Calior give the southern water works to the Empire and, if Calior's people desired continued access to the facility, a monthly tax of five thousand credits.

As Anton finished speaking, a group of warriors known as the Revengers, which sought to eliminate Crimson Dawn, attacked the avian's forces. The Chief Regional Auditor commanded their forces to charge; however, Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader—who was on a quest to kill all Crimson Dawn members in the Empire's service—destroyed Anton's AT-ST with his TIE Advanced, killing the avian.


Two demands[]

"First, you will surrender your claim to the southern water works. I know the arguments. You created that lake! No. Your parents created that lake. While under the employment of the regional government. It is now Imperial colonial property and has been formally reclaimed. You'll have continued access, of course. Pending your acquiescence to my second demand…of five thousand credits in monthly tribute. Do we have an agreement?"
―Chief Regional Auditor Cygnus Anton[2]

Cygnus Anton wished to claim Calior's southern water works for the Empire.

Chief Regional Auditor Cygnus Anton was an avian bureaucrat who served the Galactic Empire and came to be affiliated with the Crimson Dawn crime syndicate, which opposed the Empire.[2] Sometime between 3 ABY and 4 ABY,[1] Anton traveled to the Outer Rim Territories world Calior. A group of Imperial stormtroopers and Crimson Dawn guards landed on the planet aboard a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle while accompanying a hologram of the avian that looked like the real Anton. The Chief Regional Auditor deemed touching Calior's ground foolish and visited the planet aboard one of their two All Terrain Scout Transports. The human Carrax, one of Calior's inhabitants, questioned the Chief Regional Auditor on their identity. As Anton introduced themself, Carrax noticed the avian's Crimson Dawn guards, expressing that the Chief Regional Auditor was supposed to protect Calior from Crimson Dawn.[2]

One of the guards then shot Carrax, prompting a villager to complain that Anton had executed him before the avian stated what they wanted. As Calior's inhabitants were in a "listening mood" after Carrax's death, the Chief Regional Auditor demanded that they surrender their hold of Calior's southern water works to the Empire, as the water works were Imperial colonial property. Dismissing the locals' claim to the water works, Anton remarked that if the installation's users wished to continue using it, they had to pay five thousand credits every month.[2]

Sith and flames[]

"It's those Revengers. I told you they'd come if you brought these Crimson Dawn guards out in the open like this."
"And that's exactly why I did it. Now you heard her…charge!"
―A stormtrooper and Chief Regional Auditor Cygnus Anton[2]

Cygnus Anton's final moments

Before the avian could continue speaking, however, three warriorsAnkala Sahm, S'ira, and Tanka—that formed the group known as the Revengers attacked the Chief Regional Auditor's forces. A stormtrooper reminded Anton that they had previously warned them that bringing the Crimson Dawn troops out in the open would result in the Revengers' appearance. The avian explained that that was the reason they brought the guards with them, ordering their forces to attack the warriors.[2]

After Sahm burnt Anton's hologram with a flamethrower and told them that they now knew how "it felt," Anton revealed their position, with the avian's AT-ST firing at the Revengers. As the group retreated, a crew of assassins under the command of Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader—who was on a quest to eliminate all members of Crimson Dawn in the Empire's service—struck Anton's forces. Vader fired at the avian's AT-ST with his TIE Advanced, killing Anton, who claimed they could explain in their final moments.[2]

Personality and traits[]

"Now you know what it feels like, Crimson scum."
"Ha. Silly duck. You think I'd be foolish enough to touch the ground of this forsaken planet in person?"
―Ankala Sahm and Chief Regional Auditor Cygnus Anton[2]

The Chief Regional Auditor considered touching the ground of Calior, which Anton considered a forsaken world, foolish. Anton was an avian with red feathers, a blue beak, and green eyes. Yellow feathers covered their neck.[2]


The Chief Regional Auditor wore a blue uniform, which was adorned with two gray epaulets, and a black cape. A gray belt with three holes, one of which was red, surrounded his uniform.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Cygnus Anton appeared in the eighteenth issue of the 2020 comic series Star Wars: Darth Vader. The issue was written by Greg Pak, illustrated by Leonard Kirk, and published by Marvel Comics[2] on December 1, 2021.[3]


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