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"Clone Flight Squad Seven launched from the carrier Ro-Ti-Mundi. Our mission was to escort Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to the Separatist flagship Invisible Hand and cover them while they executed a boarding action."
―Oddball's account of the Battle of Coruscant[5]

Clone Flight Squad Seven,[4] also known as Clone Flight Seven or as Squad Seven[5] was a starfighter flight group of the Galactic Republic that was part of the Open Circle Armada. The flight group was led by Clone Commander Davijann,[3] otherwise known by his call sign "Odd Ball,"[7] and participated in the Battle of Coruscant where they deployed from the Venator-class Star Destroyer[3] Ro-ti-Mundi.[2] After the Clone Wars, Odd Ball and Squad Seven served under the Galactic Empire.[1]


During the Battle of Coruscant, one of the last major engagements during the Clone Wars, Squad Seven provided cover for Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker as they made their way to rescue the captured Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine from the Providence-class Dreadnought Invisible Hand, the flagship of General Grievous.[3]

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