


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"Thaya, send someone down here with meat, the first three things you can put in a bag, along with several different designs of handheld weapons and that three-legged tooka cat that Bas Ear'lasr has been feeding in my hangar bay."
"Yes, Eye, immediately."
―Marchion Ro and Thaya Ferr[2]

A three-legged tooka was fed by the Nihil pirate Bas Ear'lasr on the Nihil flagship Gaze Electric during the High Republic Era. In 228 BBY, as Eye of the Nihil Marchion Ro investigated a calcifying plague at a crystal farm on the fifth moon of the planet Norisyn, he requested that his secretary Thaya Ferr have the tooka brought to him. Shortly afterward, a human Nihil arrived with the tooka and handed it to Ro, who dropped the cat onto crystals that had been infected by the plague. While the tooka briefly survived, it was ultimately consumed by the plague and died.


"Where is Di'ir?"
―Thaya Ferr, to Marchion Ro[2]

A tooka cat lived during the High Republic Era. The tooka was fed by Nihil pirate Bas Ear'lasr, who was stationed aboard Eye of the Nihil Marchion Ro's flagship, the Gaze Electric, within one of its hangars. Eventually, this came to Ro's attention.[2] In 228 BBY,[1] Ro and the Gaze Electric traveled to the fifth moon of the planet Norisyn in the Nihil's Occlusion Zone region of space, where the Eye personally investigated a plague that had begun to calcify a crystal farm. Sometime later, Ro contacted his secretary, Thaya Ferr, and asked her to send someone to bring the tooka, as well as several other items, to him at the farm. Ferr complied with the request and sent a human Nihil with the tooka in a bag and items aboard a shuttle.[2]


Marchion Ro (pictured) requested that the tooka be brought to him

Not long later, the shuttle reached the Eye's barge, and the human made his way to Ro with the bag containing the cat over his shoulder. As the Nihil walked to him, the Eye heard the tooka squeak and hiss while also noticing it use its claws to pierce the bag. Ro then grabbed the bag and dumped the cat over the barge's rail into the plagued crystal farm. The tooka landed on its three legs, though it briefly struggled to find its footing on a crystal, eventually managing to stabilize itself before resting on the mineral matrix. The cat then began to carefully navigate its way along the calcified crystal farm as its ears directed the tooka toward the only sound nearby: the humming of the barge's engines.[2]

Ro then pushed the human over the rail and watched, ignoring the tooka's shrieks and the Nihil's yells and complaints. The Eye witnessed how the cat was consumed by the plague and died. After the tooka's passing, Ro mentally noted that while its death had not been quick, it had not been the slow, drawn out demise that the farm's false kyber crystals had suffered. When the next nighttime reached the moon, the human died after his lungs were turned to dust by the plague. After Ro returned to the Gaze Electric, Ferr asked him where Di'ir was, which caused the Eye to wonder if the name referred to the tooka or the Nihil he had shoved over the barge's rail. Ro did not respond, and the secretary came to her own conclusion on where Di'ir was.[2]

Personality and traits[]

The small tooka had purple stripes, tall ears, and tiny claws. When Marchion Ro dropped the three-legged cat over his barge's rail, the tooka yowled in distress but was able to secure its footing after briefly struggling. While the cat made its way through the farm, it did so cautiously.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Bas Ear'lasr's tooka appeared in the 2024 novel The High Republic: Temptation of the Force, written by Tessa Gratton and published as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's[2] Phase III.[3]


Notes and references[]
