


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

A Kage male was the brother of a Kage female who eventually changed her name to Abda. The siblings resided on their homeworld Quarzite with their parents as part of a clan and engaged in combat training. When the brother got married to their spouse at a large wedding, their sister was disillusioned with how their family treated them disparately and left Quarzite. In 382 BBY, Abda reflected on her negative feelings toward her brother's wedding.



Abda's brother lived on Quarzite with their family.

A Kage male lived with their Kage parents and sister in a clan on their homeworld, the crystalline world Quarzite. During the High Republic Era, they and their sister participated in combat training with their parents to honor the warrior traditions their family expected them to uphold. At some point, the brother got married to their spouse, with their wedding being one of the largest their clan had hosted.[1]

The sister left her homeworld on the day of the brother's wedding, unsettled by the knowledge that she would never be as good of a fighter as her brother. She chose to take the name of Abda to symbolically distance herself from her past, knowing if she had stayed, she would have been expected to follow the same path as her sibling in life. After becoming a member of the Path of the Open Hand cult, Abda came to resent how harshly her family had treated her compared to her brother, reflecting that the galaxy was often harder on daughters.[1]

In 382 BBY,[2] she thought of her brother's wedding while infiltrating a pre-wedding party in the planet E'ronoh's royal palace, remembering her distaste for her family's event and those like it. After being captured trying to poison the E'roni Princess Xiri A'lbaran that day, she was detained in E'ronoh's capital citythe Rook. When Path of the Open Hand operative Axel Greylark attacked her with poison under Path leader the Mother's orders, Abda tried to remember the combat training she had done with her brother and parents to defend herself. However, Greylark succeeded in poisoning her, resulting in her death.[1]

Personality and traits[]

Abda resented her brother for besting her in combat, eventually coming to regard her sibling's wedding event with derision. She felt that her family would always regard the brother as better at everything than she could be, spurring her to leave Quarzite and seek a new life.[1]

Skills and abilities[]

As an individual who followed the warrior ways of their people, the Kage was proficient in combat.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Abda's brother was mentioned in Convergence, a 2022 novel written by Zoraida Córdova as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase II.[1]


Notes and references[]
