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"Where are you taking them?"
"To Coruscant."
"Coruscant? Uh, that doesn't compute. Uh, wait, uh, you're under arrest!"
―The OOM command battle droid and Qui-Gon Jinn — (audio) Listen (file info)[5]

In 32 BBY, 2163 was a Trade Federation OOM command battle droid who guarded the Theed Hangar during the Trade Federation's occupation of the planet Naboo. The battle droid featured tan plating with yellow markings, and had black eye Sensors. Although command battle droids featured increased autonomy than regular infantry units, it still struggled in complex situations. While guarding the hangar and a group of captured Naboo pilots shortly after the fall of the capital city of Theed early in the invasion, 2163 tried to arrest Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn but was destroyed by the Jedi as the latter led an escape of the planet's Queen, Amidala.


"I am ambassador to the Supreme Chancellor. I'm taking these people to Coruscant."
―2163, to Jinn and his companions — (audio) Listen (file info)[5]

A Trade Federation OOM command battle droid designated 2163 was present in the Theed Hangar in the capital city of Theed while the Trade Federation occupied the planet Naboo[5] in 32 BBY[1] to protest a trade dispute. After the capital was secured, the command battle droid and subordinates such as units 3B3-1204 and 1933 were guarding a group of captured Naboo Security Force pilots in the Theed hangar where the royal starship was also held.[5]


Qui-Gon Jinn attacking 2163's group

With a group of four other battle droids, 2163 confronted Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn when Jinn tried to escape the planet with Queen Padmé Amidala and her handmaidens and bodyguards inform the Galactic Senate about the invasion. Halting in front of 2163, Jinn attempted to convince the command droid to let them pass and allow them to go to Coruscant as the ambassador, which briefly confused the battle droid. Jinn destroyed 2163, after the latter ordered the Jedi's arrest, with a sweep of his lightsaber through the droid's torso, also beheading a nearby droid. Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, then proceeded to destroy the command droid's subordinates, to allow the Jedi and the entourage, including the exiled Gungan Jar Jar Binks, to escape on the Queen's starship.[5]



The OOM droid orders Qui-Gon Jinn's arrest.

The OOM command battle droid 2163 had a set of black sensors along with tan plating.[5] He[4] was 1.91 meters in height.[2] Yellow markings on its torso and head[5] marked 2163's status as a command battle droid with increased autonomy compared to the regular units.[2] Additionally, the droid's designation was imprinted on the back.[5] 2163 contained programming which allowed it to adapt to circumstances, which sometimes malfunctioned,[6] causing the droid to stutter or declare that a statement did not compute.[5]

Behind the scenes[]

"Where are you going?"
―2163, to Jinn, in an altered scene in The Phantom Menace's junior novelization[7]

2163 was created for the 1999 Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace film.[5] Prior to the film's May 19 release,[8] the droid appeared in the Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace novelization,[4] released on April 21, 1999,[9] the junior adaptation,[7] and the Mighty Chronicles adaptation[10] both of which were released on May 3, 1999.[11][12] The designation was printed on its back in the film, such as other droids like 1138.[5] In the novel,[4] the Mighty Chronicles[10] and the junior adaptation, the battle droid has a blaster, which it does not have in the film, as well as altered dialogue.[7] The droid is also described as being split into two in the Mighty Chronicles adaptation.[10] 2163 was voiced by Peter Serafinowicz, the actor who also dubbed the Sith Lord Darth Maul's voice in the film.[13]


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