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Godzilla is a reptilian kaiju and the secondary antagonist of Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters, then the protagonist of Godzilla: Ongoing, and Godzilla: Rulers of Earth. A giant monster possessing immense physical power, GOdzilla initially serves as a threat to humanity, wreaking great destruction using his size, strength, and atomic breath. However, he soon becomes a defender and ally to mankind, protecting the Earth from other, more malevolent, usually extraterrestrial, kaiju. Godzilla is a fierce combatant who never backs down from a fight, and is still a danger to humanity though he is often the lesser of two evils.


Godzilla's name within the comic series follows the convention of that of the Showa era Godzilla, being a transliteration of Gojira (ゴジラ?), a combination of two Japanese words: "gorira" (ゴリラ?), meaning gorilla, and "kujira" (鯨 or クジラ?), meaning whale.



Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters[]

Godzilla's design changes somewhat over the course of the three comic series in which he appears. However, his basic design remains intact. He is a giant bipedal reptilian creature with scaly gray skin and maple leaf-shaped dorsal plates on his back.

Godzilla's appearance within the first of the comic series seems to be based on Heisei incarnation, with vaguely mammalian-like head featuring nostrils close to each other. Eyes are shown to be completely white in most panels, featuring grey pulpits in some close-ups. This Godzilla's dorsal plates resembled Final Wars incarnation, although much larger. Godzilla's claws are yellow, while his legs and torso were much less massive compared to most of his Japanese counterparts, giving him somewhat more saurian-like appearance. His skin is also much lighter.

Godzilla: Ongoing[]

Godzilla's appearance within Ongoing comic series within seems to be based on Heisei's MogeGoji design, featuring much bulkier legs and torso, while changing eye color to golden.

Godzilla: Rulers of Earth[]

In Godzilla: Rulers of Earth storyline, Godzilla's appearance seems to mix traits from both Heisei incarnation and Kiryu Saga incarnation. Like former, Godzilla's body is very bulky, eyes are large and colored golden, whereas face is mammalian-like in appearance. However, like the latter, Godzilla's body is covered in spike-like scales, dorsal plates are now completely white and much more jagged in appearance than before, while skin had slightly lighter coloration than previously.


Godzilla's overall personality seems to be similar to that of the Hesei era incarnation, as he does indeed attack and destroy cities, but acts in a way that is ultimately beneficial to the human race. It is likely that his aggression towards humans is caused by their constant attempts to kill him.

In Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters, Godzilla is purely antagonistic, attacking and killing humans with little to no provocation, and attacks other monsters upon encountering them. As this incarnation behaves in a semi-animalistic way, it is likely that he was simply awakened by human activities. However, after the alien kaiju arrive, Godzilla becomes a somewhat antihero, killing far greater threats. He remains extremely aggressive throughout the majority of Godzilla: Ongoing, however he is convinced to stand down at one point by Mothra. By the end of this series, Godzilla joins forces with other monsters such as Mechagodzilla, Kumonga, and Rodan in order to defend the Earth against the invading space monsters Hedorah, SpaceGodzilla, and Monster X.

In Rulers of Earth, he is still highly aggressive and often attacks other monsters he encounters, although is less destructive, as Steven Woods openly acknowledges that Godzilla is on their side. He is often the lesser of two evils and fends off the other more malevolent creatures employed by the Cryogs and Devonians. While still being destructive, he does less damage during his rampages, and even sides with human mechs such as Kiryu, M.O.G.U.E.RA, and Jet Jaguar. He is also friendly toward some of his fellow monsters, such as Mothra and Anguirus. By the comic's finale, Godzilla joins forces with nearly all of Earth's other monsters, even those that were once his enemies, to defeat the Trilopods in a final confrontation in Los Angeles. Ultimately, he even leaves the humans in peace after the final confrontation with the Trilopods.


Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters[]

In 2011, Godzilla emerged from the beach, killing a pair of children in the process, and then heading towards the nearby town. After conventional weaponry fails to neutralize the beast, military proceeds to detonate a nuclear bomb with Godzilla inside the explosion. This resulted Godzilla gaining an ability to shoot an atomic breath out his mouth, which Godzilla utilized after resuming his rampage across the town.

Later, Godzilla went towards Tokyo, with military powerless to stop it. The man, whose children were killed by Godzilla at the beach, found a truck filled with explosives nearby After getting on the top of a building Godzilla was walking by, a man, wearing all explosives from the truck he could carry, jumped off the roof. With tears in his eyes, a man detonated the explosives directly on Godzilla's head. However, this has done little to no damage to Godzilla, who continued to devastate Japan's capital until nothing of it remained.

Sensing the awakening of another monster, Godzilla started heading towards Washington, D. C.

Godzilla: Ongoing[]

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Godzilla: Rulers of Earth[]

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Atomic breath[]

Godzilla's most notable ability is his trademark atomic breath. Godzilla gained the ability to fire this superheated ionized beam of radiation after being struck point-blank by a nuclear bomb. Godzilla's atomic breath is both highly destructive and damaging against enemy kaiju. He can level entire cities effortlessly or knock enemies out of commission with his atomic breath. Perhaps most unusually, Godzilla can use the sheer force of his atomic breath to propel himself into the air despite his incredible mass. Godzilla can also expel his internal radiation in the form of a nuclear pulse, which projects from his body in all directions in a highly destructive shockwave.

Strength and combat[]

Godzilla does not rely solely on his nuclear power, however. He is equally adept at fighting enemies physically at close range as he is at a distance using his energy-based abilities. Godzilla can pack a punch in terms of sheer brute force. He can floor other kaiju with a single punch, and can also knock enemies aside or destroy buildings by swinging his massive tail like a club. He also may stomp on fallen foes. Godzilla's enhanced strength allows him to grab and restrain other kaiju with his hands, as shown in his battle with Zilla. Godzilla also demonstrates the capacity to use melee weapons and tools in combat, the most dramatic example of this being his use of his ally Anguirus as a living flail.


What makes Godzilla perhaps most formidable is his durability. Godzilla is completely immune to conventional weaponry as well as nuclear weaponry. He has withstood point-blank nuclear detonations on at least two occasions, the first instance actually serving to make him stronger by granting him his atomic breath. Godzilla can withstand a great deal of physical punishment from other kaiju, and can outlast his enemies in a drawn-out hand-to-hand struggle. Even when Godzilla does take damage, he is able to continue fighting and quickly recover. For example, he resumes fighting even after Destoroyah slices his chest open and forces him to temporarily collapse. While Godzilla is extremely resilient, his durability and stamina are not limitless. The most effective way to injure Godzilla is to outnumber him. He has struggled in or even lost several battles in which he is outnumbered. Opponents physically larger and stronger than Godzilla have also demonstrated success against him, such as SpaceGodzilla, Monster X, and Destoroyah, and he often requires help from his allies to defeat them. Godzilla is remarkably tireless during battles, but often ends up winded and physically taxed afterward. This has allowed opportunistic foes, such as SpaceGodzilla and the Trilopods, to attack him after he has already spent his energy in another battle.


Despite his normally animalistic behavior, Godzilla has displayed several moments of ingenuity. One such moment being at the end with his fight with Hedorah, Godzilla repeatedly stomped on it until he felt something solid to insure Hedorah couldn't regenerate. In his battle with Kaizer Ghidorah, he was shown to use Kaizer Ghidorah's right head to bite off the left one. One of the best examples of Godzilla's intelligence was during his battle against Biollante, Godzilla blasted the side of a volcano with his Atomic Breath to cause the lava within to pour out in order to incinerate Biollante.

Fusion Godzilla[]

Godzilla has once demonstrated the ability to take on an empowered state, referred to by fans as Fusion Godzilla. After absorbing the energy of all of his allies, Godzilla's body takes on a fiery orange glow. In this state, Godzilla's physical strength is heightened substantially, as he is shown effortlessly lifting the gigantic Magita. His nuclear powers are also enhanced. Fusion Godzilla can fire a red, spiral-wrapped variant of his atomic breath that brings Magita to its knees, even though the beast was seemingly invincible prior. Finally, he can unleash an extremely powerful nuclear pulse, which was capable of completely obliterating Magita. The Shobijin suggested that Godzilla might not survive after the energy that transformed him into Fusion Godzilla is gone, though he does prove to survive while significantly exhausted.




Anguirus is perhaps Godzilla's most loyal ally. Though the two met as enemies, they have since become trusted allies. Anguirus fought alongside the other Earth monsters under the leadership of Godzilla against the space monsters SpaceGodzilla, Monster X, Gigan, and Hedorah. He sought out Godzilla after the latter's disappearance, and proceeded to help him battle the Cryogs' Mechagodzilla army and Mecha-King Ghidorah. The two were extremely effective in combat together, with Godzilla even using Anguirus as an improvised flail to damage Mecha-King Ghidorah. After the battle, the two celebrated together and Anguirus even gave Godzilla a playful gaze of superiority after the latter was visibly winded following the battle. The two then departed the battlefield together. Anguirus again supported Godzilla in the final battle against the Trilopods, and was one of the few monsters to stand up alongside Godzilla against Magita. Anguirus willingly imparted his energy into Godzilla to allow him to become Fusion Godzilla and destroy Magita, then bowed before him and followed him out to sea after the battle. Godzilla knows he can rely on Anguirus, and in desperation even tried to communicate with the Anguirus Trilopod after he was hopelessly surrounded by the creatures in Los Angeles.


Mothra is Godzilla's second-most loyal ally, and is perhaps the one responsible for reforming him into a more benevolent monster. When she and Godzilla first met, she convinced him to stop his rampage and rally the various other Earth monsters for battle against the space monsters. Mothra very nearly gave her life to save Godzilla from Destoroyah, becoming seriously wounded and losing her ability to fly in the fight. Her newly-hatched larval offspring even joined the battle to help Godzilla when he was still badly outmatched in the fight. The typically stoic Godzilla even acknowledged Mothra for helping him after the battle by glancing at her and emitting a gentle roar. Following Mothra's death, he continues to collaborate with her twin larvae.


Rodan, like Anguirus, first met Godzilla as his enemy, though he was under the psychic control of the evil Minette and Mallorie at the time. Despite his aggressive nature, Rodan is a loyal ally to Godzilla who will consistently help him in combat against malevolent forces. When Godzilla was hopelessly overpowered by Keizer Ghidorah, Rodan flew to New York City following his battle with Gigan to rescue Godzilla and turn the tide. He was also one of the few monsters to stand up alongside Godzilla against Magita.


Battra was initially Godzilla's enemy and tried to subdue him alongside Rodan while under the influence of Minette and Mallorie. Both kaiju were subsequently freed from the twins' control and became Godzilla's allies against the space monsters. However, Battra was eventually reclaimed by the twins and never assisted Godzilla again, even in the final battle in Los Angeles when he was freed from their control.


Titanosaurus was one of the Earth monsters who fought in support of Godzilla against the space monsters. He was eventually taken control of by the Devonians and became Godzilla's enemy temporarily. Once the aquatic aliens were wiped out, however, Titanosaurus returned to Godzilla's aid and helped him in the final battle with the Trilopods.


While Kiryu was specifically designed to destroy Godzilla, the two ended up as allies against the combined forces of Spacegodzilla and Monster X. Kiryu sacrificed himself to freeze SpaceGodzilla, allowing Godzilla to take him out of the fight. After being repaired, Kiryu was released alongside M.O.G.U.E.R.A. in Los Angeles to back up the hopelessly outnumbered Godzilla against the Trilopods. Both robots were destroyed in the ensuing struggle.


Zilla met Godzilla as his enemy, and despite being much smaller and less durable, gave him a surprisingly difficult fight in Honolulu. Zilla disappeared for some time, but resurfaced to help Godzilla and Jet Jaguar when they were cornered by the Trilopods in Los Angeles, being one of the only Earth monsters to escape capture by the aliens. Zilla was one of the monsters who stood up to Magita alongside Godzilla, and bowed before Godzilla and followed him out to sea after the battle.


M.O.G.U.E.R.A. was sent to back up Godzilla against Gigan and the Millennian UFO in Las Vegas. When the UFO unleashed Orga, M.O.G.U.E.R.A. continued to support Godzilla in the ensuing battle though it was badly damaged. M.O.G.U.E.R.A. was eventually repaired and sent alongside Kiryu to support Godzilla against the Trilopod horde in Los Angeles, though both robots were destroyed in the battle.

Jet Jaguar[]

Jet Jaguar'''Jet Jaguar''' first made his presence known to assist Godzilla and M.O.G.U.E.R.A. against Gigan and Orga. However, Godzilla quickly turned on the heroic robot after their mutual enemies were defeated, with Jet Jaguar prevailing by returning Godzilla to the sea. Jet Jaguar later tried to save Godzilla when the Devonian capital was set to be annihilated, though he failed much to his own regret. Jet Jaguar, being a robot, was unable to be copied by the Trilopods and was never captured by them, so he attempted to come to Godzilla's rescue when the latter was cornered in Los Angeles. Jet Jaguar did help Godzilla in the ensuing battle, though by battling Gigan rather than the Trilopods. He was among the monsters who bowed before Godzilla after Magita and the Trilopods' destruction.

Sanda and Gaira[]

Sanda and Gaira, like many other monsters, initially fought Godzilla, but later became his allies in the final battle against the Trilopods in Los Angeles. They bowed before him and followed him out to sea after the fight.


Baragon was one of the Earth monsters who assisted Godzilla in the final battle with the Trilopods, and bowed to him and followed him out to sea after it was over.


Kamoebas was one of the Earth monsters who assisted Godzilla in the final battle with the Trilopods, and bowed to him and followed him out to sea after it was over.



Mechagodzilla was built specifically to destroy Godzilla, and was the first human-built weapon to prove anywhere close to effective against him. They battled on multiple occasions, with Mechagodzilla ultimately subduing him and King Ghidorah in Washington, D.C. using his Shock Anchors. Mechagodzilla never fought Godzilla again, as he was replaced by Kiryu.

King Ghidorah[]

King Ghidorah sought out Godzilla to fight him after being awakened from a temple in Asia. They battled in Washington, D.C., with Mechagodzilla ultimately subduing both using his Shock Anchors. King Ghidorah was later revived as Mecha-King Ghidorah by the Cryogs and fought Godzilla once more in Siberia, controlled by Minette and Mallorie. However, he broke free of their control and fled once the combined forces of Godzilla and Anguirus were too much for him.


Gigan first came to Earth alongside SpaceGodzilla, Monster X, and Hedorah, and was opposed by Godzilla and his allies. Godzilla came to recognize Gigan as a hated force of evil, seeking him out when he assaulted Las Vegas. Godzilla mercilessly attacked Gigan with the help of Jet Jaguar after Orga was knocked out of the fight.


Orga, after being created as a result of the Millennian UFO absorbing Godzilla's DNA, battled Godzilla in Las Vegas. While initially supported by Gigan, Orga quickly went berserk and turned on his ally before Jet Jaguar dismembered him and forced the Cryog to recall him.


Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters[]

Godzilla: Rulers of Earth[]

