Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Gral and Shran call a truce


Welcome to Memory Alpha, Yaroze86! We've noticed that you've already made some contributions – thank you! We all hope that you'll enjoy our database and decide to join our community.

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Made a newbie error.[]


I made an error when trying to create the page for USS Rhea. I submitted as a blank page thinking I could then go in and apply a template. It appears I was incorrect and caught by the Abuse Filter. Would it be possible to reinstate or wave my 3 day suspension. If unable I will do my time in the virtual jail as required.

"Yaroze86 (talk) 15:43, 16 April 2023 (UTC)"

Talk page[]

Please refer to MA:TALK as a whole, but more specifically under "Standards and practices" on how we use indents on Memory Alpha. Thanks. –Gvsualan (talk) 12:44, 20 April 2023 (UTC)


Speculation vs canon. I realize that the USS Enterprise (CVN-65) was the world's first nuclear powered carrier in REAL LIFE, but that is only speculation in STAR TREK. Cite the episode/film where that fact is stated otherwise. TanookiMike (talk) 15:27, 2 May 2023 (UTC)

Then we also need to remove "This Enterprise was one of the most powerful ships of its time and". We then only need to reference it had fusion reactors unless that was stated in some episode that I cannot recall at the moment. I guess me serving on board the old lady clouded my vison on how to report it via canon in Star Trek. "Yaroze86 (talk) 15:39, 2 May 2023 (UTC)"

spoiler template[]

Adding a "spoiler" template to an article really works best when corresponding spoiler information is added along with it. By putting a spoiler template and nothing else on a page, you've essentially made it off-limits to anyone who doesn't wish to be spoiled without there actually being anything there that might spoil them. Thanks –Gvsualan (talk) 13:35, 15 June 2023 (UTC)

Sorry, just trying to be proactive for when people don't put it in prior to adding the new information. As we all know the information is going to be there before shortly. But I shall follow the orders of those appointed over me. -- "Yaroze86 (talk) 13:39, 15 June 2023 (UTC)"

It was merely a suggestion followed by an explanation as a means of avoiding future confusion or oversight.

But since I have your attention, I would like to point out that we do prefer that you not use the Visual Editor.

  • We strongly encourage you to use the "source editor" in your editing preferences so that you can use our standard formatting templates. We also recommend you click this link and save the page.

The links you need are noted in your welcome message above. –Gvsualan (talk) 15:26, 15 June 2023 (UTC)

I will do my best efforts in using it for further edits. Still learning as I go, and it's a process all in its own. -- "Yaroze86 (talk) 15:31, 15 June 2023 (UTC)"

File uploads[]

You NEED to include the actual source for any image uploads. If it's from Twitter, Instagram, an episode, a book, the source of such NEEDS to be included or the images will be deleted. -- Sulfur (talk) 00:42, 19 June 2023 (UTC)

Should be corrected now.... BTW I uploaded incorrect format, but then fixed it though I had to change the file name due to "same name" error, how do you request deletion of these things? ‐ Yaroze86 (talk) 00:54, 19 June 2023 (UTC)

PNG and JPG are both allowable sources. WebP is not. -- Sulfur (talk) 01:41, 19 June 2023 (UTC)


If it is Nausicaa, it is probably a reference to Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. Michael Okuda was a fan of anime.Memphis77 (talk) 16:54, 24 July 2023 (UTC)

That would make sense as well as the films US release was Nov 25, 1987. Within 2 years of the Measure of a man. One reason I put either or was from this quote from Wiki: "Odysseus says she resembles a goddess, particularly Artemis". One of the ships I found out was the Artemis on the list but that is also connected to the name Apollo. ‐ Yaroze86 (talk) 17:03, 24 July 2023 (UTC)

USS Valiant in "Subspace Rhapsody"?[]

I would like your opinion. At 25:55, there is a shot of the star chart showing the connection between Federation ships. A Federation ship is connected via communication to the "Hood" and the "Cayuga". I am reading this ship's name as "Valiant". What do you think? Is the ship's name "Valiant'?Memphis77 (talk) 15:22, 4 August 2023 (UTC)

Good day!, I will take a look at it later today and get back with you. ‐Yaroze86 (talk) 15:28, 4 August 2023 (UTC)

After looking at it in 4k, I agree it is the Valiant as well. ‐Yaroze86 (talk) 20:49, 4 August 2023 (UTC)

Thank you.Memphis77 (talk) 22:39, 4 August 2023 (UTC)

USS Robert Louis Stevenson[]

I have been following your work on getting the ship names and registries accurate for "Conspiracy' and "The Measure Of A Man". Great work.

I noted in one of your postings that you thought this ship's registry is NCC-1781. Do you still feel this way about the ship's registry? I noted that you had not changed the registry, so that is ask. Memphis77 (talk) 19:08, 15 August 2023 (UTC)

Thanks! I try to objectively look at them with the best intentions of the original researcher. If I cannot at the time positively dispute them (Looking at you USS Lexington though I am fairly sure its NCC-50425 or 30425 and plan to go back and look at this one), I left them alone (though some are correct: USS Heart of Gold). I did not change that one as I think if memory serves, leaned towards what was posted as NCC-1281 as the 2 is very hard to pick up and looks like a 7. I will verify with my screen capture again and update the image as it looks like I missed it. ‐Yaroze86 (talk) 19:46, 15 August 2023 (UTC)
USS Robert Louis Stevenson Starbase 55 (2)
    • Edit** I have corrected it to what it should be. USS Robert Louis Stevenson NCC-1287. After watching it over 20 time. I am torn on it. But as much as i would like to see it be a 7 ie 1787, i am going to defer it as compromise and go with NCC-1287. I feel there is a curvature to point it being a 2 more so than a 7, though i cant pick up the lower portionof the 2 with the well placed dot on the frame. ‐Yaroze86 (talk) 00:34, 16 August 2023 (UTC)

Ships in "Emissary" (DS9)[]

Timestamp 43:47 to 43:51

There are four reports of ships reporting neutrino disturbances near the Denorios Belt. Two of these ships are named. I think the first named ship is "Federation starship Yosemite"; I am not able to fully make out the name of the second ship. I have "Ferengi xxxx xxxx". What is your reading on these ships' names?Memphis77 (talk) 08:59, 15 February 2024 (UTC)

Going to try and decipher this but it is super hard to read off P+. I am going to use this as a working section.

1st Report:Report xxx-xxx. Stardate xxxxx.x. Federation starship Yosemite reported long-range readings of [] (this looks to be a 2-part mineral of something 112) neutrino fluctuations in Bajor sector near Denoorios asteroid belt. Similar [] under file [].

2nd report:Report xxx-xxx. STARDATE 25475.4. Ferengi vessel Zetar/Setar forced to changed docking approach to DS9 because unexpected neutrino waves caused primary warp field disruption. See VCP [].

3rd report:Report xxx-xxx Stardate 425x3.3. Andorian transport vessel reported minor power failure near Denorios asteroid belt. Apparently caused by high band neutrino fluctuations in region.

4th report:Report xxx-xxx. Stardate 51538.3. Bajoran interplanetary shuttle forced to re-route on long azimuth approach to DS9 due to high levels?Yaroze86 (talk) 04:36, 18 February 2024 (UTC)

This is what I have:

Report xxx-xxx. Stardate xxxxx.x. Federation starship Yosemite reported long-range readings of high-[] neutrino fluctuations in Bajor sector near Denoorios asteroid belt. [] under file []. (full text can be best read at 43:50)

Report xxx-xxx. Stardate xxxxx.x. Ferengi vessel [] forced to changed docking approach to DS9 because unexpected [] neutrino [] caused [] warp field []. See [].

Report xxx-xxx Stardate xxxxx.x. Andorian transport vessel reported minor power failure near Denorios asteroid belt. Apparently caused by [] neutrino fluctuations in region.

Report xxx-xxx. Stardate xxxxx.x. Bajoran interplenatery shuttle forced to re-route on [] approach to DS9 due to high []

Memphis77 (talk) 19:08, 17 February 2024 (UTC)

Thank you for helping me to decipher these texts. It was appreciated.Memphis77 (talk) 10:03, 18 February 2024 (UTC)

The Dauntless[]

It's on the art, but is this actually visible within the show, though? JagoAndLitefoot (aka Ausir) (talk) 16:31, 1 July 2024 (UTC)

That specific panel is visible on the show. ‐ Yaroze86 (talk) 16:33, 1 July 2024 (UTC)

Lya Station Alpha and Lya III[]

I am looking at the display from the Dauntless, listing Starfleet bases. I don't see Lya Station Alpha mentioned. Where did you get the association between this station and the planet Lya III? I see the planet's name, its sector, and some other text which I can't read.– Memphis77 (talk) 02:10, 15 July 2024 (UTC)

Actualy you seem to be right and I miss stepped. I took the Stafleet Bases as the base of Lya III as being Lya Station Alpha when I should not. Lya III looks to be in the Beta Quad on this one but in season 2 its listed as the delta. I shall un***k my mistakes.... ‐ Yaroze86 (talk) 02:25, 15 July 2024 (UTC)
BTW are you going to do the Allies as well? For the Ocampa (planet) is has it listed as Kes for whatever reason. ‐ Yaroze86 (talk) 02:36, 15 July 2024 (UTC)
I did one of the allies - Cardassia Prime - already and I created a new page - Alpha Cygni system - based on that chart.– Memphis77 (talk) 04:23, 17 July 2024 (UTC)

A new challenge[]

I have been adding names from the Protostar dedication plaque to the episode page for Last Flight of the Protostar, Episode 1. There are some names I am having trouble with. Here is the list, going from left to right. Could you figure out these names? None of these people listed worked on Prodigy as far as I can tell from IMDb.

1st column

  • Ch[] C[] line 14
  • N[] Ch[] line 15
  • M[]y Lev[] line 16
  • L[] W[] line 17

2nd column

  • Ch[] A[] line 8
  • R[] C[] line 14
  • K[] [] line 21

6th column

  • H[] D[] line 2
  • Alfred Chris W[] line 3
  • Greg H[] line 8

Good luck.– Memphis77 (talk) 04:23, 17 July 2024 (UTC)

It's possible some are friends and family of people who did work on it. -LauraCC (talk) 04:28, 17 July 2024 (UTC)
See below.

1st column

2nd column

6th column

Yaroze86 (talk) 10:50, 17 July 2024 (UTC)

Thank you.– Memphis77 (talk) 00:37, 18 July 2024 (UTC)
Done, some of these were pretty hard... ‐ Yaroze86 (talk) 13:41, 19 July 2024 (UTC)

Again, thank you.– Memphis77 (talk) 21:54, 19 July 2024 (UTC)

Planet Name[]

On the displays from the Dauntless, there is a planet name listed in the on mission - off the ship, in security data, and in crew members - medical. Can you help me with this? Thank you.– Memphis77 (talk) 00:37, 18 July 2024 (UTC)

Here is the link:– Memphis77 (talk) 00:37, 18 July 2024 (UTC)

Get to working on this soon. This will be drastically more difficult due to the lack or resolution when zoomed in. ‐ Yaroze86 (talk) 11:34, 19 July 2024 (UTC)
So far what I have. Please feel free to add any you know as well to save me some time lol.... ‐ Yaroze86 (talk) 13:36, 19 July 2024 (UTC)
  • omitted to below*

I am adding what I can to the above.

  • Row 1 On mission - off the ship
  • Aaron Cavit First Officer On planet [Fleia] for analysis (the name of this planet is in the chart Crew Members - Medical, as well)
  • Tuvok Chief of Security On planet [Fleia] for analysis
  • Harry Sl Kim Tatical Officer On planet [Fleia] for analysis
  • Alexander Honigsberg Chief Engineer On planet [Fleia] for resources
  • Tabor Security On planet [Fleia] for resources
  • Ashmore Engineer On planet [Fleia] for resources
  • Megan Delaney Stellar Cartography xxx to planet [Fleia]
  • Ahni Jetal Pilot Pilot to planet [Fleia]
  • Row 2 On special duty
  • Jessica Rossier Sec Guard On Security Mission to Deck A
  • Timothy Lang Sec Guard On Security Mission to Deck A
  • Kaplan Sec Guard On Security Mission to Deck A
  • Vorik Chief engineer Computer Repair on the Holodeck
  • Yosa Engineer Computer Repair on the Holodeck
  • Kurt Bendera Engineer Computer Repair on the Holodeck
  • Row 4 Crew members on leave
  • Murphy Science Div Off On Leave on
  • Jor Engineer On Leave on
  • Li-Paz Engineer On Leave on Bajour (note: Don't know how I feel about this one.)
  • Ayala Flight Controller On Leave on
  • Hickman Astrophysics On Leave on
  • Kashimuro Nozawa Transporter Operator On Leave on
  • Starfleet Ally
  • xxx Planets Sector
  • Bandi Deneb IV Alpha Cygni System
  • Breen Breen Alpha Quadrant
  • Cardassian Cardassia Prime Alpha Quadrant
  • Denobulans Denobula Alpha Quadrant
  • El-Aurian El-Auria Delta Quadrant
  • Ocampa Kes Delta Quadrant
  • Orions Orion [UNKN] quadrant
  • xxx xxx [UNKN] quadrant (These last 2 are really hard to make anything of)
  • Klingon Qo'noS III [UNKN] quadrant

Memphis77 (talk) 21:53, 19 July 2024 (UTC)

So I don't clog my talk page with redundant info I will add to your list and remove mine. ‐ Yaroze86 (talk) 23:50, 20 July 2024 (UTC)1

Could Imersia quardrant be "Origin Unknown"?– Memphis77 (talk) 17:08, 22 July 2024 (UTC)

Could Korbin be Kaplan?– Memphis77 (talk) 17:22, 22 July 2024 (UTC)

I am not sure at the moment, but sometimes I see Klingon Quadrant. I do feel Kaplan is correct after looking at it more. ‐ Yaroze86 (talk) 19:24, 22 July 2024 (UTC)

Could Chintoka be the planet between Qo'noS and Celtris III? – Memphis77 (talk) 21:42, 22 July 2024 (UTC) Could race be before planets ?– Memphis77 (talk) 21:43, 22 July 2024 (UTC)

I want to say it says "Name" then Planet then Sector. It might be Eclipse/Depsi (or something like this) Chintoka [UNKN] quadrant but I don't know what this would be a reference to? ‐ Yaroze86 (talk) 02:03, 23 July 2024 (UTC)

If you could don't create that planet yet. I am starting to lean towards it being AleiaYaroze86 (talk) 21:22, 23 July 2024 (UTC)

Alera (β) Final answer. ‐ Yaroze86 (talk) 22:06, 23 July 2024 (UTC)

Thank you.– Memphis77 (talk) 05:41, 24 July 2024 (UTC)


The name is listed as "Joseph M. Carey" here though. JagoAndLitefoot (aka Ausir) (talk) 01:06, 25 July 2024 (UTC)

You are correct and I have reverted the edit. These panels have my head jumbled with all the research into them. Sorry about that. ‐ Yaroze86 (talk) 02:00, 25 July 2024 (UTC)