Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

I got my first taste of Star Trek around 1986. The vivid memory of the Genisis Device creating a new world. The Reliant in all of it beauty. This all lead me to become a big Star Trek nerd and why I am here today. Growing up in a small town in West Virginia where cable tv did not exist made it hard to catch up on Star Trek. Me and a good friend would get together on the weekends when we could and watch his VHS tapes (including the ABC version of STII) and draw our own starships. This started my love in keeping track of these fictional ships. I would always try and get the technical manuals to read or go to the bookstores and read the magazines with pen a paper to write down the newest behind the scenes ships that I could find.

I had the pleasure of serving on the USS Enterprise (CVN-65) (even when it felt like cell block 65 in the shipyards) and being a part of her decommissioning crew with command coin and all. So, if I cuss at times, it's just the sailor coming out.

I don't like unknowns and unsolvable problems. I suck at spelling (Thanks autocorrect), grammar and punctuation so if my edit stinks that's probably why.

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