Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Li-Paz was a Bajoran member of the Maquis, a former compatriot of Chakotay and B'Elanna Torres who was slaughtered by the Dominion-reinforced Cardassians in 2374. (VOY: "Hunters")

The day after Torres learned the news that all of her Maquis friends were dead, she created the holodeck program "Torres Zeta-1" in which Li-Paz was slaughtered along with three other of her Maquis buddies, Sahreen, Meyer and Nelson. The purpose behind this was in order to "feel something," as she otherwise felt nothing at all viewing their dead corpses. (VOY: "Extreme Risk")

Li-Paz was played by an unknown actor.

He was named after Ron Li-Paz, a friend of the producer.

The character's name is mentioned on a bridge panel of the USS Dauntless as being an active member of the crew. He was listed as an engineer who was shore leave on Bajor. [1]
