Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Lieutenant T'Veen was a Vulcan/Deltan hybrid who served as a Starfleet sciences division officer in the early 25th century. By 2401, she was the science officer aboard the USS Titan-A under Captain Liam Shaw. (PIC: "The Next Generation")

After the Titan sought to evade the Shrike by entering the Ryton Nebula, T'Veen reported to Acting Captain William T. Riker that she was detecting both electrical and biological signatures, indicating that it was not a nebula at all but rather a hitherto unknown spatial anomaly. She therefore strongly recommended against attempting to pass through it. (PIC: "Seventeen Seconds")

While Vadic had control of the Titan, she threatened to kill several bridge officers until Jack Crusher was brought to her. After pointing her weapon at Kova Esmar, she moved to T'Veen at the last second, killing her by surprise. (PIC: "Surrender")



Background information[]

T'Veen was portrayed by Stephanie Czajkowski.

According to Terry Matalas, several captains fought to have her on their bridge, but the USS Titan-A won. [1]

According to Czajkowski, T'Veen's grandmother was Deltan, affording a weakened version of the Deltans' augmented sensory characteristics, alongside their characteristic lack of hair. [2]

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