Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Ensign Kova Rin Esmar was a non-binary Haliian 25th century Starfleet operations division officer. In 2401, they served as the communications officer aboard the USS Titan-A. (PIC: "The Next Generation")

Following the Borg's assimilation of Starfleet, they assumed command of the Titan. (PIC: "Vox")

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Background information[]

Esmar was portrayed by Jin Maley.

According to Terry Matalas, Esmar uses the pronouns "they" and "them" – consequently, whenever referenced in the audio description, Esmar was described with the same "they/them" pronouns – graduated at the top of their class, and can speak over 72 alien languages. [1]

In addition to their communications role, it appears that Esmar was also the operations officer, as they are shown performing duties usually performed by that station, including re-routing power.
