Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

Throughout the history of Starfleet, there have been many officers to hold the rank of lieutenant commander.

Lieutenant commanders[]

Name Post Position Division Dates Species Note
Adislo, Hars Sciences 2375 Bolian
Airiam USS Discovery Bridge officer Sciences 2256-57 Augmented Human KIA in 2257
Albert Operations 2368 Human
Alfaro, Edith K. USS Exeter (NCC-26531) 2374 MIA in 2374
Argyle USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) chief engineer Operations 2364 Human
Baskin, Daryl USS Matte Fringe 2364
Bernard, Alan USS Voyager 2372
Bowen, Steve USS Matte Fringe 2364
Braga, Brannon USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) 2369
Brownfield, Dick USS Voyager 2372
Cavit USS Voyager executive officer Command 2371 Human KIA in 2371
Chin-Riley, Una USS Enterprise First Officer Command 2254-2259 Illyrian
Clark, Bev USS Robert Louis Stevenson 2364
Crusher, Jack R. USS Stargazer Command 2354 Human KIA in 2354
Culber, Hugh USS Discovery Chief medical officer Sciences 2256 Human
Curry, Dan USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) 2369
Daren, Nella Starbase 218
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)
Head of stellar sciences department Sciences 2369 Human
Data USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)
operations officer
executive officer
Command division
2360-2379 Soong-type android KIA in 2379
Dax, Jadzia Deep Space 9 chief science officer Sciences 2372-2374 Trill (joined) KIA in 2374
Dealt, Hester Federation Medical Collection Station Medical trustee Sciences 2365 Human
Dean, Doug USS Voyager 2372
de Graff, Monty USS Matte Fringe 2364
Duder, Dorothy R. USS Repulse
USS Wyoming
USS Cochrane
Starbase 153
Starbase 129
2374 KIA in 2374
Durbrow, Doug USS Robert Louis Stevenson 2364
Echevarria, Rene USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) 2369
Eddington, Michael Deep Space 9 security chief Operations 2371-2372 Human Defected to the Maquis in 2372
Finney, Benjamin USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) records officer Command 2267 Human
Fukai, Arlene USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) 2369
Giotto USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) security chief Operations 2267 Human
Gort Starfleet Academy 2285
Grodnick, T. Starfleet Academy Astrogation Instructor 2285
Hobson, Christopher USS Sutherland executive officer Command 2368 Human
Hoffmeister, Ed USS Matte Fringe 2364
Holst, Sandy A. USS Repulse 2374 MIA in 2374
Howard, Merri USS Voyager 2374 Human
Hudson, Calvin Demilitarized Zone Attaché to the Demilitarized Zone Command 2370 Human Defected to the Maquis in 2370
James, Richard USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) 2369
Koslowsky, John USS Matte Fringe 2364
La Forge, Geordi USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)
chief engineer Operations 2366-2379 Human
Lang USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) tactical officer Command[1] 2267 Human KIA in 2267
Lee, Don USS Matte Fringe 2364
Leijten, Susanna 2367 Human
Leprich, Kathy S. USS Sarajevo
USS Tecumseh
USS Akagi
USS Zapata
2374 KIA in 2374
Livingston, David USS Voyager 2374
Lojur USS Excelsior Helmsman Operations 2293 Human
Longo, J. Starfleet Academy Engineering Instructor 2285
Lynch, Leland T. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) engineer Operations 2364 Human
MacDougal USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) chief engineer Operations 2364 Human
Markel, Tom USS Ariel commanding officer Command 2269 Human
McCoy, Leonard Capella IV
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)
chief medical officer Sciences 2266-2269 Human Promoted to commander in 2269
McGarry, L. USS Voyager 2370s KIA prior to 2377
Mees, Jim USS Voyager Planetary Geosciences Division 2374
Mitchell, Gary USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) navigator Operations[1] 2265 Human KIA in 2265
Monson, Jon S. USS Akagi
USS Zapata
2374 KIA in 2374
Moore, Ronald USS Matte Fringe 2364
Mulhall, Ann USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) astrobiologist Operations[1] 2268 Human
Nambue USS Shenzhou Chief medical officer Sciences 2256 Human
Neuss, Wendy USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) 2369
Piersall USS Prometheus Command 2370 Human
Piller, Michael USS Voyager 2374
Remmick, Dexter Office of the Inspector General
Starfleet Command
Command 2364 Human
Riker, William USS Potemkin
USS Hood
executive officer Command 2361-2364 Human Promoted to commander in 2364
Rossa, Connor Galen IV Command 2353 Human KIA in 2353
Saru USS Shenzhou Chief science officer Sciences 2256 Kelpien Promoted to commander in 2256
Sato, Hoshi 2160s Human Resigned in the mid-2160s
Scott, Montgomery USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) chief engineer Operations 2266-2269 Human Promoted to commander in 2269
Shelby, Elizabeth Starfleet Command Command 2366-2367 Human Promoted to commander in 2367
Sisko, Benjamin USS Okinawa
USS Saratoga
Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Executive officer
Yard engineer
Command 2366-2369 Human Promoted to commander in 2369
Sofak Starfleet Academy 2285
Spock USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) chief science officer Sciences 2266-2267 Vulcan-Human hybrid Promoted to commander in 2267
Stamets, Paul USS Discovery Chief engineer Sciences 2257 Human
Sulu, Hikaru USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) helmsman Operations 2270s Human Promoted to commander by 2285
Surma, Ron USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) 2369
Syvar Sciences 2371 Vulcan
Takemura, David USS Matte Fringe 2364
Troi, Deanna USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) counselor Sciences 2364-2370 Human-Betazoid hybrid Promoted to commander in 2370
Tucker, Steve USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) 2369
Tuvok USS Voyager security chief Operations 2374-2378 Vulcan
Uhura, Nyota USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) communications officer Operations 2270s Human Promoted to commander by 2285
Valtane, Dimitri USS Excelsior chief science officer Sciences 2293 Human
Vanderweg, Greta Deep Space 9 science officer Sciences[2] 2375 Human KIA in 2375
Woodard, Jody USS Equicon 2364
Woods, Beth USS Yamato Second officer 2365 KIA in 2365
Worf USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)
Deep Space 9
IKS Rotarran
security chief
strategic operations officer
first officer
2371-2379 Klingon
Yacobian, Brad USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) 2369
Ziegler, T. USS Voyager 2370s KIA prior to 2377

Illusory lieutenant commanders[]

Name Post Position Division Dates Species Note
Worf USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) operations officer Operations 2383 Holographic representation of a Klingon

Alternate or parallel lieutenant commanders[]

Name Post Position Division Dates Species Note
Icheb USS Voyager Command 2394 Brunali
Kirk, George USS Kelvin First officer Command division 2233


KIA in 2233
McCoy, Leonard USS Enterprise(NCC-1701) Chief medical officer Sciences 2258 Human
McCoy, Leonard ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701) chief medical officer Sciences


Paris, Tom USS Voyager Command 2378-2379 Human
Scott, Montgomery

USS Enterprise(NCC-1701)

Chief engineer Operations 2258 Human
Scott, Montgomery ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701) chief engineer Operations


T'Pol ISS Enterprise (NX-01)
USS Defiant
ISS Avenger
chief science officer Sciences 2155 Vulcan
Yor Time soldier Operations 2379 Betelgeusian

Other lieutenant commanders[]

Name Post Position Division Dates Species Note
Jason Hayek USS Intrepid Command 2374 Alias of a Human Possible Costuming Error: Wore provisional lt. cmdr. pip
James, Richard USS Voyager 2374 Human Known to hold the rank of admiral
Lauritson, Peter USS Voyager 2374 Human Known to hold the rank of vice admiral
Nog USS Valiant

chief engineer

Operations 2374 Ferengi Field promotion
Piller, Michael USS Voyager 2374 Human Known to hold the rank of admiral
Rand, Janice USS Excelsior communications officer Operations 2293 Human Costuming Error: lieutenant junior grade
Sonak USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) chief science officer Sciences 2270s Vulcan Seen as "Commander" referred to in Credits as Lt. Cmdr.
Tuvok USS Voyager security chief Operations 2371 Vulcan Costuming Error: lieutenant
Valeris USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) helmsman Sciences[1] 2293 Vulcan Possible Costuming Error: lieutenant

Gallery of unnamed lieutenant commanders[]

In addition, there was at least one more female lieutenant commander aboard the USS Enterprise.


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 This officer wore a different division color than indicated by their apparent position.
  2. ↑ This character was unseen in this position, and the division is assumed from their position.

Background information[]

Numerous officers were referred to as commanders, or wore commander rank insignia, but were actually other ranks. In TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds", Jean-Luc Picard remembered meeting Lieutenant Commander Riker, but Riker was wearing commander's insignia in the corresponding scene in TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint". This happened in Star Trek: The Original Series also, as Spock was referred to as an lieutenant commander in TOS: "Court Martial" even though he regularly wore commander's stripes up to and including that point. The same went for Benjamin Finney in that episode and Giotto in TOS: "The Devil in the Dark", both of whom wore commander's insignia but were clearly referred to as lieutenant commander in dialogue. The reverse happened to Chakotay, who wore lieutenant commander's insignia but was only referred to as commander for Star Trek: Voyager's entire run.
