Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Lieutenant Commander Lojur was a 23rd century Starfleet officer, and Human male of Russian descent, who served as the helmsman aboard the USS Excelsior under Captain Hikaru Sulu.

Lojur served at the helm aboard the Excelsior during its three-year mission cataloging gaseous planetary bodies in the Beta Quadrant, from 2290 to 2293. When the Excelsior was hit by a subspace shockwave, caused by the explosion of Praxis, during the return trip home, he notified Captain Sulu that the ship was "not answering her helm." Sulu instructed Lojur to use the starboard thrusters to turn the ship into the energy wave. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; VOY: "Flashback")

Following the arrest of Captain James T. Kirk and Doctor Leonard McCoy, Captain Sulu order Lojur to set course for Qo'noS at maximum warp, instucting him to go through the Azure Nebula to conceal their approach. They they were later encountered by Kang in the nebula and instructed to leave, Sulu ordered Lojur to come about, then Sulu ordered him to once again head towards Qo'noS at maximum warp. En route, they quickly three battlecruisers on an intercept course, which prompted Lojur to inquire their next heading; the determined Sulu responded that he should simply maintain course. (VOY: "Flashback")

Later, he piloted the ship towards Khitomer to rendezvous with the USS Enterprise-A. Sulu pushed the ship to its limit to reach the planet in time for the Khitomer Conference held there, and while en route, Lojur was asked if they were in range yet. When Lojur said they were not, Sulu pushed harder, to which Lojur responded with regards to the ship, "She'll fly apart!"; Sulu then urged him to "Fly her apart, then!".

Following their arrival at Khitomer, then encountered the battle underway between the Enterprise and General Chang's Bird-of-Prey. As they entered the fray, Sulu instructed Lojur to put the shields up, so as to give Chang "something else to shoot at." (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)



Background information[]

Lojur was played by actor Boris Krutonog. This character was only named in The Undiscovered Country's end credits.

Lojur, Dimitri Valtane, the Borg Queen, Admiral Hayes, B-4 and the Punk on Bus are the only characters to debut in a Star Trek film before appearing in a Star Trek television series.


The novelization of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country by Jeanne M. Dillard established that Lojur was a Halkan; he reappeared in her novelization of Star Trek Generations, which mentions "his family symbol, tattooed in red between his pale eyebrows," consistent with the appearance of the Halkans in "Mirror, Mirror", but not the character's actual appearance on screen.

Peter David's novel The Captain's Daughter, on the other hand, called him a "Kothan."

The Star Trek: The Lost Era novel The Sundered cleared up the discrepancy by establishing that Lojur was from a village called Kotha on Halka, and also explained how a member of a pacifist species could serve in Starfleet by establishing Lojur was exiled by his village elders in 2281 for violating their strict code of pacifism when he used deadly force against invading Orion pirates. A landing party from the USS Reliant, led by Commander Pavel Chekov, finds the young exile and takes him back to the ship.

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