Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Lieutenant Commander Giotto was a male Human Starfleet officer who lived during the mid-23rd century. He served in the operations division aboard the USS Enterprise under Captain James T. Kirk, where he served as one of the ship's security chiefs in 2267.

That year, assisting Captain Kirk and Commander Spock, Giotto assembled security troops and armed them with type 2 phasers. His detail was assigned the task of searching for a creature that had been attacking the colony on Janus VI and had killed fifty-one miners.

He began his search on the 23rd Level, and later met up with Kirk and Spock after they encountered and injured the Mother Horta. Kirk ordered Giotto to instruct his men to concentrate the search in their immediate sector, adding to remind the other security officers that creature was wounded.

When the injured Horta was again approached by Kirk and Spock, Giotto held back the riotous colonists at the other end of the tunnel. After ordering the colonist to remain in their place, he and the other security officers were attacked by Ed Appel and the others. (TOS: "The Devil in the Dark")


Background information[]

Giotto was played by actor Barry Russo, where he was described in the script simply as "a large, muscular man."

In a common mistake made on costume insignia during TOS Season 1, Giotto was referred to as "lieutenant commander," yet wore the braid of a full commander.


The novels Wagon Train to the Stars, From History's Shadow, and Purgatory's Key give him the first name "Barry". The novel A Choice of Catastrophes gives him the first name "Salvatore". The novel Past Prologue gives him the first name "Antonio".

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