Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Mirror universe

For the prime universe counterpart, please see Hikaru Sulu.
"Mr. Spock has orders to kill you, Captain. He will succeed, apparently. You will also appear to have killed him after a fierce battle. Regrettable, but it will leave me in command."
– Sulu, 2267 ("Mirror, Mirror")

Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu was the security chief, helmsman, and second officer aboard the Terran Empire starship ISS Enterprise, under Captain James T. Kirk. This Sulu had a large scar running from his forehead and down his right cheek, as well as an infatuation with the ship's communications officer, Lieutenant Uhura.

In 2267, four crewmembers of the USS Enterprise crossed over into the mirror universe during a transporter malfunction while attempting to transport through an ion storm. In their attempt to escape, it was the mission of Lieutenant Uhura to distract Sulu from his security display, which she was successful in doing.

A fight later broke out in sickbay as the four crewmen approached the final stage of their escape. Sulu arrived with a security squad and had previously warned Spock that if the Vulcan was not able to command the ship, he would take command. Sulu was, in turn, defeated when the "captain's woman", Marlena Moreau, utilized the Tantalus field against Sulu's posse, allowing the four members of the USS Enterprise to return to their universe. (TOS: "Mirror, Mirror")


Background information[]

Like his prime reality counterpart, Sulu was portrayed by George Takei.


The mirror Sulu appeared as captain of the mirror universe Excelsior in the video game Star Trek: Shattered Universe. Due to a temporal distortion, the prime universe and mirror universe Excelsior crews switched places, with both sides making their way across the galaxy to another temporal rift in order to return to their own universes.

Another possible fate is revealed in the Star Trek: Mirror Universe novel The Sorrows of Empire, in which he is killed by Spock's loyalists as a prelude to Spock taking control of the ISS Enterprise.

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