Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Kings Canyon was a Federation Type 6A shuttlecraft that was in service to Starfleet during the late 24th century, attached to the USS Cerritos.

In 2380, this shuttle was in the Cerritos shuttlebay when Ensigns Beckett Mariner and Brad Boimler were escorting General K'orin to Tulgana IV. (LD: "Envoys")

In 2381, Lieutenant jg Brad Boimler and his away team took the Kings Canyon to Corazonia for a mission to retrofit a power relay. (LD: "In the Cradle of Vexilon")

Later that year, it was hit by a magnetic anomaly on the way to Glish, forcing Lieutenant jg Beckett Mariner to crash the shuttle into a cave near the planet's surface. (LD: "Caves")

As with the other shuttles assigned to the Cerritos, this shuttle is named for a National Park located in California, namely Kings Canyon National Park.
