Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Jeef was a male Ferengi crew member who served aboard Gem's starship in 2381. His position aboard the ship was given at the request of Captain Gem's cousin.

Something of a Ferengi traditionalist, he had previously been in contact with the mysterious silver ship that was attacking vessels throughout the quadrant. Prior to their ultimate encounter with the vessel, he and another Ferengi were discarding various weapons in the cargo hold of Gem's ship.

Upon discovering a modern Genesis Device, he attempted to convince his fellow crewman of its value and how with it, he could buy a starship or perhaps even an entire fleet. Mid-discussion, the ship went to red alert, prompting him to say to himself, "finally".

After taking his position on the bridge, Jeef became agitated with Gem's lack of progress with a mysterious ship. After Gem became wise to Jeef's deception, Gem indicated that he never trusted Jeef and ordered that Jeef be thrown out the airlock. As Jeef began to plead, the ship was vaporized, seemingly killing the entire crew. (LD: "Parth Ferengi's Heart Place")

In reality, Jeef was mutinying against Gem and was intending to join Nova Fleet. The ship, Nova One, stunned Gem and the other commanding officers; after this, Jeef marooned Gem on Sherbal V and usurped control of the ship. When Beckett Mariner disrupted Nick Locarno's announcement of Nova Fleet's existence and fled with the Genesis Device Locarno had intended to use as leverage, Jeef pursued the USS Passaro, which Mariner had hijacked to escape.

Mariner fled into an icy ring system, then spooked Jeef by locking on and tried to turn him against Locarno. When this failed, she vented coolant onto the ship, causing their sensors to fail. Jeef eventually cornered Mariner with the rest of Nova Fleet after she was ambushed by Malok, but when Mariner sent the Passaro into an ion storm, Jeef refused to follow Nova One in. When the USS Cerritos breached the supposedly impenetrable trynar shield by throwing an Orion battleship at it, Jeef abandoned Locarno with the rest of the mutineers recruited into Nova Fleet. (LD: "The Inner Fight", "Old Friends, New Planets")

Jeef was voiced by Eric Bauza.
