Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

List of inhabitants of the planet Freecloud. (PIC: "Stardust City Rag")

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Bjazyl's bodyguards []

Nightbox bartender []

Nightbox bartender

The Nightbox bartender

This bartender was played by Sam Marra.

Nightbox doormen []

Nightbox patrons []

Nightbox piano player []

Nightbox piano player

The Nightbox piano player

This piano player was played by Casey Childs.

Nightbox servers []

These servers were played by unknown performers.

Orbital Control employee []

In 2399, this female Freecloud Orbital Control employee briefly contacted Captain Cristóbal Rios aboard La Sirena to confirm the transfer of conn upon the ship's arrival at Freecloud. (PIC: "Stardust City Rag")

This individual was played by an unknown actress.

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.
