Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
10 Forward Avenue

10 Forward Avenue

10 Forward Avenue was the address of a bar located in the Forward Avenue Historic District in the City of Greater Los Angeles on Earth. It offered a variety of alcoholic beverages and cocktails, including Saurian brandy and Arcanis Lager.

In 2381, Jean-Luc Picard and William T. Riker shared a bottle of Swaford whiskey at 10 Forward to celebrate the birth of Riker's first child, Thaddeus. (PIC: "Seventeen Seconds")

In 2396, Picard was sitting for lunch at 10 Forward when he was interrupted by a group of Starfleet cadets who wanted to hear about his experiences. Unbeknownst to him, his son Jack Crusher was also present, though Jack decided against revealing his identity to his father. (PIC: "No Win Scenario")

In 2401, it was run by Guinan. That year, Jean-Luc Picard visited the bar to speak with her about his regret over never having seriously pursued romantic relationships in his life. (PIC: "The Star Gazer")

After Picard and his comrades successfully restored the timeline to its proper state, Picard, Seven of Nine, Elnor, and Raffaela Musiker visited the bar, where Guinan revealed the fates of Cristóbal Rios, Teresa Ramirez, and her son Ricardo. (PIC: "Farewell")

Later that year, Picard met with Riker at 10 Forward Avenue to discuss a distress call he received from Doctor Beverly Crusher, whom neither of them had seen in more than twenty years. Riker was surprised to see so many models of starships. He even asked the bartender why there were so many of the USS Enterprise-D, to which she replied that no one wanted "the fat ones" anymore. (PIC: "The Next Generation")

Picard later used a holodeck simulation of 10 Forward Avenue while talking to his son. (PIC: "Seventeen Seconds") Subsequently, Picard and Commander Ro Laren used the 10 Forward Avenue simulation to privately discuss the Changeling infiltration of Starfleet. Picard was able to retrieve a phaser from behind the bar that belonged to Guinan in the real 10 Forward Avenue during their brief standoff before Picard and Ro recognized that the other wasn't a Changeling and that they were really on the same side. (PIC: "Imposters")

In 2402, the former command crew of the Enterprise-D, Jean-Luc Picard, William Riker, Data, Geordi La Forge, Worf, Beverly Crusher, and Deanna Troi reunited at 10 Forward Avenue and played a game of poker. (PIC: "The Last Generation")

Background information[]

10 Forward The Experience poster

Promotional tie-in

The address of the bar is a play on Ten Forward, the bar Guinan ran on the USS Enterprise-D. Following the premiere, a limited time ticketed promotional tie-in event called "10 Forward: The Experience" was held from March 10-20 at the USC Roski Graduate Building, which recreated "Guinan's new hangout" and featured "exclusive products, cocktails, and more!" [1]

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