Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Wee Bairns Whiskey

A bottle of Irish whiskey

Scotch Whisky, By any other name

A bottle of Scotch whisky

Whiskey (or whisky) was an alcoholic beverage made from grains such as corn, rye, barley, or wheat. It was distilled from a fermented mash of the grain, then aged in oak barrels or other wooden containers. Cheap or low quality whiskey was known as hooch.

In 1893 San Francisco, Data was confronted by a begging man asking for whiskey, claiming that he required it as liniment. (TNG: "Time's Arrow")

In 2063, Zefram Cochrane suffered from a hangover shortly before the start of the Phoenix and blamed it on either whiskey or being stunned by a phaser or both. (Star Trek: First Contact)

In a saloon on a Skagaran colony planet in 2153, a Skagaran named Draysik served some whiskey to Deputy Bennings and two cowboy friends of his. Bennings poured a glass of the whiskey for Draysik, then used it for a toast with his own two cohorts. After the three downed their portions of the beverage, Bennings put pressure on Draysik to drink his own glass of whiskey. When Draysik tasted the drink, he reacted unpleasantly, which amused the cowboys. (ENT: "North Star")

This drink is not identified on screen. However, it was referred to as whiskey in the final draft script of "North Star".

Jonathan Archer occasionally enjoyed whiskey. In 2161, three days before the signing of the Federation Charter, he opened up a special bottle to toast to "Warp 7". The bottle had been given to Henry Archer by Zefram Cochrane the day they broke ground at the Warp Five Complex. (ENT: "These Are the Voyages...")

For his birthday in 2259, Christopher Pike planned to sit in a fishing cabin on Setlik II's ice moon with a bottle of whiskey and have the talk that he wished he had with his father while he was still alive. (SNW: "Those Old Scientists")

In 2269, an Excalbian recreation of Abraham Lincoln asked James T. Kirk whether he drank whiskey. When Kirk replied "occasionally", Lincoln compared him to another whiskey drinker, General Ulysses Grant. (TOS: "The Savage Curtain")

The Bringloidi of Bringloid V brewed poteen, a strong, traditional whiskey from Ireland. In 2365, Danilo Odell ordered a whiskey from a replicator after Worf adjusted one to produce real alcoholic beverages. Being used to poteen, Odell found the replicated whiskey to have "no bite". (TNG: "Up The Long Ladder")

Reginald Barclay drank Cromarty Whiskey in a holodeck simulation of Ten Forward in 2366. ("Hollow Pursuits")

In 2374, Kathryn Janeway told Captain Miller not to drink bloodwine since it was double the strength of whiskey. (VOY: "The Killing Game, Part II")

Strictly speaking Scotch whisky is spelled without an "e" unlike Irish whiskey or American bourbon.


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