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Memory Alpha
Tennessee whiskey

Tennessee whiskey

"Whiskey: Tennessee whiskey, Spock. Care for a little snort?"
- Leonard McCoy (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)

Tennessee whiskey was an Earth alcoholic beverage, a whiskey originating from Tennessee in the United States of America.

Dr. Leonard McCoy noted Tennessee whiskey to be the "secret ingredient" to the McCoy family recipe for southern baked beans. After introducing Spock to the beverage, he later shared the bottle with Kirk, and the two drank it while performing a sing-along of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat". (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)

Jack Daniel's was in the special thanks at the end of the Star Trek V: The Final Frontier credits, suggesting that the "Tennessee whiskey" to which McCoy referred was indeed Jack Daniel's.

Kentucky bourbon was also the secret ingredient for Dr. McCoy's Southern baked beans in an earlier script for Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. This dialogue was instead replaced with Tennessee whiskey for the theater release.

Dorton's Best, the brand in "Shuttlepod One" is fictional, a reference to Louise Dorton, the show's art director. The distinctive bottle was actually from Frïs Vodka.

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