Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Ricardo was a Human child who lived in Los Angeles on Earth in the early 21st century. He was the son of Teresa Ramirez. He was a fan of the television cartoon Rick and Morty.

In 2024, he came briefly came into possession of Cristóbal Rios' combadge, initially refusing to return it when asked. Rios then attempted to bribe Ricardo with a platter of peanut butter cookies, before Teresa intervened and made Ricardo return the combadge. (PIC: "Assimilation")

Along with his mother and Rios, Ricardo remained close friends with Guinan for the rest of his life and Renée Picard who became his "Auntie Renée." As an adult, Ricardo formed a team of the brightest minds in the world and they figured out how to use the alien organism brought back by Renée from the Europa Mission to heal the ocean and clean the skies. (PIC: "Farewell")

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Ricardo was played by Steve Gutierrez.
